No proof of service
Date: Thu, 12/19/2013 - 10:33
No proof of service
Should I file an answer to the complaint even though service was improper? I live in California.
They should file it 15 days
They should file it 15 days before the trial date.
You can get more details from this page:,1424484&_dad=portal
Depending on your state laws,
Depending on your state laws, it could be proper service.
I would suggest answering it...National Collegiate Loans are quite agressive and will get their judgement.
once again soaplady is the only intelligent response.ditchdebt there is no court date until the OP files an answer,or the 20-30days given to file an answer have passed.also she is right that each state has different rules for service.she has forgotten more about student loans,and the places that service them than you will ever know.