Please ban sanderspatricia29
Date: Fri, 11/29/2013 - 05:59
Please ban sanderspatricia29
she is a useless member.just another in the long line of idiots like steven doyle,anna sweeting,and marvel.instead of heming and hawing be proactive and back us up.useless posts and attacks in response to a non flammatory critisicm is not,and should not be welcome at all.
Review System
We are working on a system where member's post can be reviewed based on post quality and other factors. Presently it's in alpha stage. We will announce the Review Feature details, once the system is live in prod.
Why must we wait to ban her?
Why must we wait to ban her?? We want her gone NOW!!
Why cant you search for her posts instead of us cut and pasting them??
Do we still have to approve our own posts in this forum??
Can you still ban her??? Her
Can you still ban her??? Her posts are 99.9% wrong, the other percentage she just parrots plus she is arguementative and threatening mods.
You will get a chance either
You will get a chance either to keep her or send her out of our forums based on post quality and other factors only after we implement the Review System which we are developing.
As far as threatening our Mods are concerned please show us a snapshot of a PM or post where she has threatened you. In that case we will take necessary action asap. We need the snapshot because we will be sending it to her and ask her to explain her conduct here.