Old student loan debt
Date: Tue, 04/30/2019 - 05:19
Old student loan debt
Is it a federal student loan
Is it a federal student loan or a private student loan? Also tell something about your financial situation. Will answer accordingly.
As long as I know MOHELA acts
As long as I know MOHELA acts as a federal loan servicer, so you can't consolidate your loan at all. Talk to them again if you can get an easy repayment option.
Mean while you can check out this - https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/repay-loans/forgiveness-cancellation
If it is private student loan
If it is private student loan, the take out a consolidation loan to repay it. If it is federal, then you have to repay it through the federal student loan repayment program.
Yes, MOHELA acts as a federal
Yes, MOHELA acts as a federal loan servicer so you can't consolidate the loan my friend.