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How a self-employed person can plan a budget

Date: Thu, 04/25/2019 - 23:11

Submitted by LampenKL
on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 23:11

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3

How a self-employed person can plan a budget

I am a self-employed person. Planning a budget is really difficult for me. I have tried but haven't been able to plan a budget that will really work for me. Can anyone suggest anything about how a self-employed person can plan a suitable budget?

Calculate the minimum amount you earn every month. Then, calculate your monthly expenses. Create a budget based on that.

A tip for you

Keep separate accounts for tax, retirement, personal savings, etc. It will help you manage funds in a better way.


Submitted by David Martin on Sun, 04/28/2019 - 23:44

( Posts: 394 | Credits: 3933 )

First gather all the documents of expenses incurred in last six months. then calculate the total saving you have in last six months = (6 month's income - six month's expenses) = six month's savings
Calculate your average saving per month. Take out that money from your paycheck and deposit into saving account.
Now your target will be paying off all the expenses from the remaining money, So, based on this amount you can start making your monthly budget. Try to save as much as possible from the remaining balance.


Submitted by Barbara Delinsky on Mon, 04/29/2019 - 03:29

( Posts: 433 | Credits: )