How many payments can I miss prior to defaulting on federal student loan?
Date: Sun, 04/07/2019 - 23:41
How many payments can I miss prior to defaulting on federal student loan?
How many payments can I miss prior to defaulting on federal student loan?
Does a debt collector know about my SSN?
Does a debt collector know about my SSN?
Federal student loans don't
Federal student loans don't go for a default until you don't make payments for at least 270 days.
Debt collectors can ask you to reveal your SSN. But as per the FDCPA Act, you're not required to reveal the SSN. Okay. This information is not required to validate or verify your debt.
As per the FDCPA law, you are
As per the FDCPA law, you are not supposed to reveal the SSN to the debt collectors. Thy even can't ask you for that.
270 days, mark my words. As
270 days, mark my words. As per the FDCPA Act, you're not required to reveal the SSN. THe debt collectors won't ask you either.