How have you tackled your finances during the holiday season?
Date: Mon, 01/01/2018 - 21:26
How have you tackled your finances during the holiday season?
I always formulate a holiday
I always formulate a holiday budget before the holiday begins. It helps me to balance the holiday spending as well as the routine expenses. Simple. Also, try to set aside money 2-3 months earlier. This will help you to enjoy the holiday season without taking the financial stress.
It's true that I spent a good
It's true that I spent a good amount on festive shopping but that didn't affect my finances since I used my emergency fund for covering the expenses.
My tip:
Create an emergency fund this year. Make it your New Year resolution.
Make a New Year resolution to
Make a New Year resolution to plan a budget along with a holiday budget and start saving little every month towards your 2018's holiday expenses.
I have reduced my food cost
I have reduced my food cost during holidays by lowering my numbers of consuming colas and French fries. :)
I have decided to save a
I have decided to save a certain amount every month. Any extra earning will also go toward saving.