How to transfer amount and close a bank account in US from outside US
Date: Mon, 12/18/2017 - 21:52
How to transfer amount and close a bank account in US from outside US
I have moved out of US. I was there for sometime (9 years) and had opened 2 bank accounts. It is 4 years since i haven't been to US. Is it possible to transfer the cash to my account in Germany and close my account in US without visiting the bank in the US?
Yes, you can transfer money
Yes, you can transfer money from US bank accounts to accounts in other countries online. Just type international bank transfer in Google. You'll get all the details.
Yes, you can transfer money
Yes, you can transfer money from US bank accounts to your current account online, you just need the Internet banking service active for that account. I would suggest you should once consult with your current bank account in Germany.