What student loan amount can be comfortably paid off
Date: Sun, 08/06/2017 - 22:47
What student loan amount can be comfortably paid off
Can you please gives us more
Can you please gives us more details? Do you have federal student loans or private student loans? Or, are you planning to take out a student loan? It isn't clear.
Are you planning to take out
Are you planning to take out a student loan or looking for repayment option to pay off your student loan debt?
Hi, I believe it'll depend on
Hi, I believe it'll depend on the borrowers' financial condition, how much he or she can afford to pay comfortably.
Normally federal student loans are easy to pay back as the interest is very low compared to conventional private student loans.
I would say you analyze your
I would say you analyze your financial condition, if required take help of a financial advisor, talk to your parents and decide how much you can comfortably pay off. It is appreciable that you are thinking of repayment before taking out a student loan.
Good luck for studies and repayment on time!
Talk to your parants???
Talk to your parants??? They are not responsible for payment. You talk to your lender and see what payment plans they offer. Ignore everything above.....they are clueless. I am an ex financial aid officer. This should have been covered in your financial aid exit interview. You can do standard payment, extended, graduated, Income contingent and income based. Again...log into your lender or call them for info.