Asset Care
Date: Fri, 07/14/2017 - 15:12
Submitted by Deborah S. Richardson
Fri, 07/14/2017 - 15:12
Total Replies: 3
Asset Care
Send a debt validation letter
Send a debt validation letter to Asset Care via certified mail. Did you impose a fraud alert on your credit report? Did you inform the credit card company after the incident happened?
You need to inform the credit
You need to inform the credit reporting agencies about the fraud. Dp this as soon as possible. Also, contact the concerned credit card company to notify about the fraud.
I agree with SC, use a debt
I agree with SC, use a debt validation letter and ask Asset Care to validate the debts. You would've place a fraud alert on your credit report , one call to any of the three credit bureaus will be enough to place your fraud alert.