proof of expenditure
Date: Sun, 06/25/2017 - 12:26
proof of expenditure
The debt management company have suddenly decided that I need to do an income/expenditure assessment, this is not a problem as such as I have done lots of them in the past sometimes on the phone other times by filling a form in and sending back to them. However, they have just told me that they have to verify these sets of figures by either a Bank Statement, sending in wage slips (from my wife), I get disability benefits you see, anyway this is something I disagree with do you know if I really have to comply with this? Thank you.
Different debt management
Different debt management companies have different requirements. Perhaps they have asked for your wife's wage slips/bank statements to confirm your earned income. What is the name of the debt management company?
You have every right to
You have every right to question. Don't hesitate and ask them why they need it.