Who to contact
Date: Mon, 04/10/2017 - 06:57
Who to contact
Contact the collection agency
Contact the collection agency for settling your debts. Send a DV letter first. Have you checked the SOL period?
Once your debt is sold to the
Once your debt is sold to the collection agency, the original creditor has no hold over the debt. You have to deal with the debt collector directly. Or, you can get the help of a financial expert to clear your dues and deal with the debt collector at the same time.
Are you getting collection
Are you getting collection calls? Also, you didn't mention the SOL period of your due accounts. If the accounts are within SOL period, then settle your debts through a good debt settlement company.
You can choose to settle on
You can choose to settle on your own, too. Doing so, you'll save the money that you otherwise need to pay for the professional help. However, a settlement company has better negotiation skills. So, consider all these aspects and decide which is the best suitable option for you.