Are debt settlement companies a good option to get rid of dues?
Date: Thu, 09/15/2016 - 22:21
Are debt settlement companies a good option to get rid of dues?
I have heard that debt settlement helps to get rid of debt by paying less than due. And, settlement companies help you do that. But, some of my friends say that it's not a good option for future financial situation. I want to know - is taking help from debt settlement companies a good option to get rid of dues?
Debt settlement is a good
Debt settlement is a good option to wipe out delinquent debts. If you seek help from a debt settlement company, do check its authenticity. Check if it follows the FTC rules.
Who are you people????? The
Who are you people????? The term in the US is DEBT, not dues. And debt settlement can be expensive and will tank your credit score. I do not recommend it.