We did it - Western Sky Shutting Down!!!
Date: Sat, 08/24/2013 - 09:37
We did it - Western Sky Shutting Down!!!
Excellent... what does this
Excellent... what does this mean for those people whose loans have been sold to Cash Call and Delbert Services?
Western Sky Video
HA! I love this on their website... They have an employee testimonal video talking about how much they love working with Western Sky, with wording "Western Sky will stop funding loans on September 3, 2013" right above it.
Are they trying to make us feel guilty?
That's great, yes I do wonder
That's great, yes I do wonder what that means for those of us who were sold to CC? I did get a settle letter yesterday saying they would drop my rate to 79%. I will decline to my terms though.
The loan was only being
The loan was only being serviced by CC - not sold to .. You want to make sure to not return anything to them, they want you to sign their paper work.. If you notice it only references a loan you had with CC.. and if you loan originated with WS you never had a loan with CC at all. They are only hoping that you will cave and sign it, then you are admitting that you have a loan with CC.. Just file away all they send you, they will send you lots.. all different, eventually they will turn over to Delbert Services - and then you can send them a C&D letter..
I am not certain that is
I am not certain that is correct. The email I received both when my loan went to Cash Call and last week when it went to Delbert stated clearly that the loan had been [b]sold[/b] to them.
I posted the latest email in another thread.
Sorry, I forgot to sign in...
Sorry, I forgot to sign in... anyway the loan was sold to Delbert according to their email. Interestingly, I have been told that Delbert is their collection arm (they are registered in Florida as a consumer collection agency) but the loan is currently in good standing without a single late payment.
Re: Delbert Account No. 1xxxxxx
As you know, you obtained a personal loan from Western Sky Financial. The purpose of this e mail is to notify you that your loan has been sold, and the purchaser has assigned the servicing of your loan to a company called Delbert Services Corporation ("Delbert Services") effective as of the date of this notice.
The "servicing" of your loan means processing your payments, responding to your questions, and otherwise handling other matters relating to your loan. We wish to assure you that the terms and conditions of your loan as set forth in your Promissory Note and Disclosure Statement will not change in any way, except that your payments will now be made to Delbert Services.
This Place is Awesome!
Momofthree, HelpinAZ, Soaplady...you guys are such a gem for helping all of us.
This awesome news to hear!!
@Scubus what you entered
@Scubus what you entered above shows they are only servicing! Where does it state sold to? They will say lots of things.. and again are all in one and the original loan still null and void since tribal.
@ JujuNola - Thanks!!
This sentence: "The purpose
This sentence: "The purpose of this e mail is to notify you that your loan has been sold, and the purchaser has assigned the servicing of your loan to a company called Delbert Services Corporation..."
Also, I filed a complaint with the Florida Office of Financial Regulation and the letter that was sent to me clearly states that the loans are unenforceable in Florida. For the record.
Forgive me if I don't understand why this is good news?
I received the same email. I have a WS/CC loan and have made several payments?
Are the payments going to continue to be withdrawn as usual?
I am new here and just now realizing what a bad move that loan was.
This is funny: The company
This is funny: The company blamed "unprecedented government interference."
Awesome news! Wonder what will happen to the loans, and how long it will take for the CR's to clear up? Nice going people!!
@Scubus yes sold to WS
@Scubus yes sold to WS Funding LLC.. which is just another arm of Western Sky.. Cash Call and Delbert both were servicing only.. not the purchaser was what I was saying.. and they are also one in the same... with Western Sky... All I am really getting at is that any loan started with Western Sky - is NULL and VOID due to them being tribal... @ Unregistered if you have not done so already you need to revoke your ACH authorization from them after your bank account is secure.. look at the link below in my signature on how to deal with unlicensed lenders.. all steps..
FYI...for the folks in LA. I
FYI...for the folks in Louisiana. I contacted the Consumer Division of the AG's office and they told me that they don't enforce payday loans. I made it a point to reply and state that it wasn't a payday loan but an installment loan and even attached articles for other states AG offices getting involved and my contract and they replied back; "We do not regulate payday loans". So basically Louisiana's AG office just doesn't care.
calm down everybody.geez.now what gets me thinking is why would they have to pit it out there that 120 jobs are lost.if they are tribal why would they need to put it out there unless the 120 jobs are not tribal.that should prompt action against western sky,because non-tribal people should not be involved with a tribal lender.just saying.
western sky
i am trying to figure out a way out of the registration loans and payday loans i have including western sky. can anyone help
Cease & Desist
So, if the loan was sold to WS Funding, and is now being "serviced" by Delbert, who is/was the in-house collection company, who do you C&D? Delbert?
Payday lender Carey V. Brown lays off workers
Websites shut down by New York regulator:
Major Carey V. Brown holdings
ACH Federal
Arch Advantage
Area203 Digital [Formerly Logic Marketing]
Cloudswell [formerly Terenine]
Credit Payment Services
Eclipse in Action
Firma8/Kingdom Site
good thing, read the NY times
good thing, read the NY times article just now. hope they don't pop back up again. Knocking out these predatory lenders has been like whack a mole but now that the mothership is getting shut down we might be at the end of the tunnel.
you think you know
The borrowers know what they are signing! They don't have to take out the loan if they don't want to! You are the ones the messed up your own credit that's your FAULT not ours. We are helping you out that's why its an HIGH RISK LOAN. We are taking our Chances also!!!
That's GREAT!! I wonder what
That's GREAT!! I wonder what will happen to my loan. It originated with Western Sky, was transferred to Cash Call, and just recently transferred to Delbert Services. Delbert Services and Cash call are definitely the same company - I replied to an e-mail from Cash Call and somehow a representative from Delbert Services e-mailed me back. Interesting. Anyone have any idea what this will mean for existing loans?
This is the biggest hurdle we
This is the biggest hurdle we have since the CRAs won't do anything as long as the information provider verifies it. I think those in states that have enforcement actions and C&D orders against them should have an easier time with this. This is where the FTC is going to have to help. I am in the process of figuring this out and will keep you guys posted. For those of you in states with C&D orders I would dispute the item with the CRA and include a copy of the Order or action against WS and CC and keep hounding them. If they don't do their job, file complaints with FTC and CFPB and then look for a FCRA attorney to take your case on a contingency for FCRA violations by the CRAs.
you think you know.
When consumers took out these loans, they were under the impression they were LEGAL. Once they find out that a lender has violated laws, they questioned them. It is quite obvious that you are one of the employees laid off. YOUR employer took chances with borrowers??? Wrong. Your employer took chances that his sham of a loan agreement would hold up in US courts. Your employer cannot even lend to Tribal residents because the loans violate your own Tribe's usury rates. YOUR employer did this to you....not the residents of the US or the States that have taken legal action against them. He gambled with your lives. Why don't you ask your real employer, Cash Call, for money since their owner, Paul Reddam was lining his pockets quite nicely. Stop blaming the citizens of the US for your employers greed. His company benefited him...not the tribe as a whole. Immunity is getting dim these days.
you think you know.
When consumers took out these loans, they were under the impression they were LEGAL. Once they find out that a lender has violated laws, they questioned them. It is quite obvious that you are one of the employees laid off. YOUR employer took chances with borrowers??? Wrong. Your employer took chances that his sham of a loan agreement would hold up in US courts. Your employer cannot even lend to Tribal residents because the loans violate your own Tribe's usury rates. YOUR employer did this to you....not the residents of the US or the States that have taken legal action against them. He gambled with your lives. Why don't you ask your real employer, Cash Call, for money since their owner, Paul Reddam was lining his pockets quite nicely. Stop blaming the citizens of the US for your employers greed. His company benefited him...not the tribe as a whole. Immunity is getting dim these days.
you think you know.
When consumers took out these loans, they were under the impression they were LEGAL. Once they find out that a lender has violated laws, they questioned them. It is quite obvious that you are one of the employees laid off. YOUR employer took chances with borrowers??? Wrong. Your employer took chances that his sham of a loan agreement would hold up in US courts. Your employer cannot even lend to Tribal residents because the loans violate your own Tribe's usury rates. YOUR employer did this to you....not the residents of the US or the States that have taken legal action against them. He gambled with your lives. Why don't you ask your real employer, Cash Call, for money since their owner, Paul Reddam was lining his pockets quite nicely. Stop blaming the citizens of the US for your employers greed. His company benefited him...not the tribe as a whole. Immunity is getting dim these days.
You prey on people in trouble
You prey on people in trouble, then expect them to follow the rules, while at the same time you yourself are trying to get around the rules. Just be glad most are willing to pay back the principle.
The only difference is most borrowers took the loans without any premeditated intention of doing you harm; you and your ilk go into the deal with the forethought of screwing people to the best of your ability.
If you are above board, why all the subterfuge? Go to court in the light of day and let a court sort things out.
Even those with the best intention sometimes get into debt trouble - that is why bankruptcy laws exist. So take your self centered judgmental BS and shove off.
Have a nice day...
took your chances...and lost...
Glad to see you crooks go out of business!!!
I can't believe someone with the handle "WesternSky1" is
posting on this forum...
are you their last employee left? go get a real job that doesn't involve ripping people off!
Delbert Services
You seem to have a lot of knowledge about Payday/Predatory lending. Can you please let me know what my obligation to Cash Call/Delbert Services would be?
Like many others that have posted on here, I took out a $2,500 loan from CashCall/Western Sky. The money was deposited in to my account in December 2012. Monthly payments in the amount of $294.46 started coming out in January 2013. When I do the math, I have already paid them $2,355.68 through August and I have another payment scheduled for September 16th. My question is once they receive this payment next week, can I then legally stop the ACH by closing my account and then sending them a Cease and Desist letter? I live in Arizona and I have read that these high interest loans are illegal in this state. I just want to make sure I have my "ducks in a row" before I pull the plug on my checking account.
do I have to pay them?
So if they are shutting down do I still have to pay? I am in minnesota. On their letter it says delbert is legal to collect in mn. But if it is the same as cashcall it would be illegal. Right?
It doesn't matter if the
It doesn't matter if the collection agency is licensed to collect in your state any way .. The loan originated with Western Sky and because of that fact the debt is null and void. doesn't matter how many times they transfer it around - it is still null and void...
Origination Fee
Is the origination fee considered part of the principle? I took out the $1,000 loan with $500 origination fee.
So if they only deposited
So if they only deposited $500 into your account, yes that is the principal.. You are only responsible for what you received.. minus anything paid to date.
Western Sky's Latest Tactic
You all may interested in this article that ran today (10/28/2013) on The Nation website concerning the latest method Western Sky appears to be using to gain support:
Class Action Suit - Predatory Loans
I have filed a NJ BBB report also for Western Sky Financial, CashCall, and their latest incarnation, Delbert Services. I am talking with an attorney at a law firm about doing a class action suit. I have provided him with all of my research and will be checking back a on 11/18. I am also in communication with another law firm about the same. I am trying to find a law firm that will be willing to do a class action suit under the premise of either pro-bono or contingency. The first attorney sounded exceptionally hungry. I have set up a separate email address for explicit purposes of predatory loans in NJ. If you have been the victim of this type of garbage regardless of the company please email me. In the subject put "PREDATORY LOAN VICTIM & COMPANY NAME & STATE" (make the state be your state not the state of the company) This way I can hopefully start building a substantial class basis to make the attorney's mouth water even more. In the body put ONLY your first name and do not give a long description. Put only the principle amount, the interest rate, the names of all companies related to your loan - i.e. mine was "taken with Western Sky Financial, loan immediately sold to CashCall and now sold to Delbert Services. Then give a listing of all payments made and how they were made, i.e. in my case direct wire withdrawal from my checking account. Also state whether or not you have closed your account that was tied to the payments. Also BRIEFLY state the current status of your loan and any actions being currently taken by the collection company, i.e. repeat phone calls, garnishments, are you being sued, are they threatening you etc....
If the attorney is interested in doing the case then they will get in contact with you and at that point get the details. How the contact will be made to you is not known or figured out at this point as it is premature as in the attorneys I have reached out to haven't accepted a case yet.
The email address I set up is NJ.Predatory.Loan@gmail.com
Good luck to us all and thank you for any input you give.
DSC Delbert Services Corp letter
I just received a letter from dcs today stating that WS funding LLC (SERVICED by CashCall, Inc) placed my Western Sky Financial account with all servicing rights. I have 30 days to dispute the validity of the debit in writing. The letter is dated 11/9/13 and I just got it today 11/16/13. At least I received the letter one week after it was supposedly written.
Here is my response
I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I am disputing this debt. Western Sky Financial is illegal in my state and the loan is not enforceable. I was never physically on the reservation that Western Sky is supposedly situated on and signing via the internet is not valid per Federal laws. I have never signed any paperwork with CashCall so the fact that they are servicing this illegal debt is of no consequence. The loan was originated through an illegal lender so the loan itself is illegal. The terms are also usury in the state I live in.
I have filed complaints with both the FTC and Washington State regarding the attempted collection of this illegal debt.
I am also requiring you to only contact me via United States Postal Mail. Any other contact will be reported to the FTC as well.
I think that it is funny that they have not sent anything to me for almost a year and now that Western Sky has been shut down my loan is sent to collections.
I still have all the paper work that was sent to me by CashCall Inc regarding the Western Sky loan including all terms. If Delbert tries to take me to court I have that as backup showing that the loan is illegal. Unfortunately, Delbert is a licensed collection agency in my state of Washington so they can try to sue me. I have all paperwork to show as proof of the illegal usury loan.