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another co. marked my acct

Date: Tue, 09/26/2006 - 11:17

Submitted by ccastro
on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 11:17

Posts: 38 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 17

another co. marked my acct

OMG.. i have just received an email from AOM internet cash and they said that they will mark my acct "paid in full". AND get this, they will refund me $250 for overpayment.I've been sending them emails since last week and i stated CA laws, first they said that the money given to me was not a loan but a "rebate" so the laws about lending do not apply to them. that was last week. and this morning i thought that i should try arguing with them again and told them that i have contacted CA's AG and CA finance and that they are not licensed in CA. After about 30mins, they emailed me back and said that they are not licensed in CA bec. they are not a loan company and that another company referred my loan to them. Said that they have talked to their lawyers, and that they will be respecting California's laws on lending and that they will mark my account "paid in full" and will refund the money that i felt was owed to me. (should have added more in there :lol: )

that's 2 successes today.. a few more to go..

i feel so much better today!! so glad i found this forum.

yes, it is.. before i found this forum, i've felt so down and i don't even want my payday to come bec. i know that there won't be anything left in my account. and i was so scared of defaulting/stopping payments on them. but after weeks of reading this forum, i finally had the guts to stop payments on them and started sending out letters. a few more to go, but after today, i know that everything will be ok. we just need to have faith.


Submitted by ccastro on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 12:40

( Posts: 38 | Credits: )

i know how you feel.. i am working on getting payment arrangements on Magnum cash advance right now.. i've been in contact with them since last week, getting all my loan history and my balance.. i've been pointing out to them that they are charging me too much interest on my loan (per CA law).. Last week i got an email from them that they are going to settle for a lower amount, but when i reviewed it, it is still too much.. so today, i emailed them again regarding the excessive interest charged on my acct. i'm still waiting for their response..


Submitted by ccastro on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 12:56

( Posts: 38 | Credits: )

Yup.. lets see what their response is on my email regarding the interest.. they want me to accept their settlement right away so they won't have to charge more interest on my account.. but i told them that i am still reviewing it so it'd be fair to me and also to their company.. i still have oneclickcash, route66, tendollar and cashcentral (i will default on this in 3 days)


Submitted by ccastro on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 13:12

( Posts: 38 | Credits: )