Wage Garnishment for Rent Owed
Date: Tue, 10/15/2013 - 16:01
Wage Garnishment for Rent Owed
Is it possible to garnish a tenant who has moved out voluntarily for rent owed. We have a situation, where we have served a tenant an N4 for rent owed for two months, and were about to serve an N8 to evict for regular late payment of rent, when we received 60 days notice that they were going to move out. We agreed to their date to move out, but they have since cut off all communication to discuss repayment of rent owed, or even arrangements to pick up the keys. Is it possible to garnish wages for the rent, after they have moved out?
You would have to sue then
You would have to sue then first...if under $5000 you could go to small claims court.