Hello Again
Date: Sun, 09/29/2013 - 08:06
Hello Again
I know I popped back up about a year ago then promptly fell off the grid again...I had gotten hurt at work and with the physical therapy and whatnot, it just was too much for me plus I went through a period of crazy depression because I found out I will never walk right again thanks to my time in that prison (on the outside of the bars, not behind them lol)
Then on top of that my 14 year old rebellious daughter decided to sneak off to the river and ride motorcycles.......the bike she was on, riding behind a boy, got hit full on by a truck, driven by a 15 year old girl with no license, but her father in the passenger seat.
She suffered a fractured leg, the bone wast sticking out....she had to have surgery and now is the proud owner of a steel bar in her leg. The boy got it much worse, he fractured his leg, his arm and his orbital eye socket. Funny thing now they are dating and are nearly inseparable.....BUT she is now deathly afraid of motorcycles.
Well, that accident generated over $100,000 in medical bills and more than that with the time off my husband had to take to help my daughter in her physical therapy...I couldn't help her because of my own disability and that tore me up pretty bad with guilt.
This is such a nightmare, I NEVER got a call from the police about this accident, I got a very panicked call from my daughter 14 year old friend! In fact, the ambulance people never called us, the hospital never called us, nothing. In fact further, there was NO POLICE REPORT made!!!!!!
I am still beside myself with anger. I got an attorney. We were going after the father because he should have NEVER let his underage daughter drive without a license (not even a learners permit) and on top it it they had no insurance.
Unfortunately I just recently found out from the lawyer that going after them will likely not get us much of anything...now Texas works against me LOL, no garnishment and such.....besides, it feels different when it is some other poor family (with horrible judgement, but oh well). We are likely dropping the case.
So...how has everyone elses year been? LOL.
glad to hear your daughter is okay now,and don't feel bad as you had your as you said your own disability.my year is going as it has been.i'm the sole income for me and my brother along with two cats.so it has it rough patches,but we get through it.btw how is your law thing going?sounds like you know so much more than the last time you posted.anyway saw you posting and came here to see if there was anything new with you and the family,and boy is there.
I stopped going to school
I stopped going to school unfortunately, as it is I have just recently been able to walk without a cane, as long as it is short walks and nothing strenuous, but hey, the fact I can get around without it is a major improvement. I only got through a few semesters, but now not being able to work at all, we just can't bear the cost of schooling; college and then law school, on my husband's salary so unfortunately I think that's the end of that particular dream...at least while my kids are still young and with us, perhaps once they are all out of the house and our costs go down...then perhaps? Time will tell. :)