What to do with the unused cards
Date: Tue, 12/22/2020 - 20:17
What to do with the unused cards
Can credit card companies cancel the cards?
What should I do now?
My suggestion is you should
My suggestion is you should contact your credit card companies and offer them a debt settlement proposal.
Maybe, you would be able to reduce a portion of your debt.
Otherwise, later the debt collectors can harass you.
Do you have outstanding
Do you have outstanding balance on those cards? If so, then credit card companies will not cancel your cards. Rather, they can send your accounts to collection agencies of the outstanding balance is quite high. Pay your credit card bills and keep the accounts open as they make a positive impact on your credit score.
Hi Deevee! If you have
Hi Deevee! If you have outstanding balance amounts in those 3 cards, the creditors can sue you for nonpayment of debts. In that case, feel free to call 800-DEBT-913 for immediate debt help.
And if you don't have any outstanding balance amounts and you don't use them for an year or more, the credit card companies can decide to close your account. So, in that case, reach out to the credit card companies at the earliest.