Can the Canadian collection agency find me in US?
Date: Sun, 08/04/2013 - 14:39
Can the Canadian collection agency find me in US?
Why not just file a business
Why not just file a business bankrutpcy in canada??
Franchaise business...did you personally guarantee any of this debt?
Canadian/US colllections...pretty much the same. A lot of agencies have branches in both countries. And judgments can he domisticated either way??
Are you a dual citizen?
I can't get another funding
I can't get another funding for the business and have used my personal credit to somehow fund the business operation. Bad decision, but I can't just give up. I know to no avail, but I need to try...I'm a bit confused about the judgment domestication. Some said, it's different law jurisdiction. What can I read more on this?
Stick to budgeting, live
Stick to budgeting, live within your means, spend much less than what you earn and you might even try getting money from your friends or family members.