Farber and Brand suing me for an old debt
Date: Mon, 06/22/2020 - 18:47
Farber and Brand suing me for an old debt
The SOL period of a judgment
The SOL period of a judgment depends on the state you're in. In some states, the SOL period of a judgment is valid for 7 years. In some states, it's 10 years. In some states, it is valid for even 20 years. Moreover, some state laws permit creditors to renew judgments. So, that would be a bigger problem for you.
Pay off the judgment and get rid of this once for all.
Yes, it is better to pay off
Yes, it is better to pay off the judgment. But, before doing that, you can check out your state laws once.
The statute of limitations (SOL) varies from state to state. So, you need to check with your state attorney general's office or a consumer law attorney to find out the SOL in your state.
If the debt has become time-barred, you are not legally bound to pay it off. Otherwise, call 800-DEBT-913 for immediate debt help!