My ex-spouse has filed bankruptcy - Now what?
Date: Tue, 01/14/2020 - 22:55
My ex-spouse has filed bankruptcy - Now what?
Since both of you are already
Since both of you are already legally separated, so it shouldn't affect you anymore. Your ex-spouse won't be affected anyway. But I would like to ask you one question. Do you have any joint debts with your ex-spouse? If so, then you'll still be responsible for the debt and that would appear on your credit report.
Well, if your ex-spouse has
Well, if your ex-spouse has filed bankruptcy, you will be responsible for the debt if you are a joint owner or cosigner. But it won't affect your present spouse anyways. Now coming to your next question.
Under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (2005), your ex-spouse is liable to make payments for child support before all other creditors, including taxes.
Check your credit report to
Check your credit report to know if you guys have any joint debt. You can even ask your ex-spouse for verification.
You are now legally separated
You are now legally separated, so no harm would be done to you. have you checked your credit report?