A few years agao i was knee-deep in payday loan debt and you guys here really gave
Date: Sat, 01/11/2020 - 03:24
A few years agao i was knee-deep in payday loan debt and you guys here really gave
A few years agao i was knee-deep in payday loan debt and you guys here really gave me a lot of helpful advise that I used.
But, as a result of all of the overdrafts, I had to close out my chase bank account a few times. I'm actually getting ready to pay the collection company for the two closed chase accounts a settlement offer they have given me. My question is this however. If Iwant try to and open a bank accout with chase again after I pay the settlement on both accounts, will they not reject me because I paid a settlement on the past two bank accounts?
But, as a result of all of the overdrafts, I had to close out my chase bank account a few times. I'm actually getting ready to pay the collection company for the two closed chase accounts a settlement offer they have given me. My question is this however. If Iwant try to and open a bank accout with chase again after I pay the settlement on both accounts, will they not reject me because I paid a settlement on the past two bank accounts?
What is your current credit
What is your current credit score? You can apply for this. I think they can consider you.
No. That won't be a problem.
No. That won't be a problem. See credit score has nothing to do with opening a bank account. Rather, you should try to open a bank account only after settling credit cards.
There shouldn't be any
There shouldn't be any problem in opening a bank account. Rather it can help you if you want to take out a loan from the back in the future.
You don't have to worry my
You don't have to worry my friend, you should apply now and open an account as soon as possible.