How much does a lawsuit affect your credit report?
Date: Thu, 12/26/2019 - 22:17
How much does a lawsuit affect your credit report?
Equifax and Experian don't
Equifax and Experian don't report lawsuits on credit report. But if the plaintiff wins the lawsuit and the court issues judgment, then they will report it on the credit report. Judgments can drop your credit score by 150 points or so when they are reported for the first time.
Well, it depends on whether
Well, it depends on whether or not the judgment goes in favor of you. And Equifax and Experian report court judgments to your credit report but NOT the lawsuits! So, if there is any lawsuit against you, respond to it so that there is no one-sided judgment.
Equifax and Experian do not
Equifax and Experian do not report lawsuits on credit report, they report court judgments to your credit report. So, respond to any lawsuit against you.