Can you give me any idea about the percent
Date: Tue, 11/12/2019 - 22:52
Can you give me any idea about the percent
Well, it solely depends on
Well, it solely depends on the debt consolidation company you are approaching. The consolidation company negotiates with your creditors on your behalf to reduce the interest rates. You can expect that your interest rates may get reduced by half.
No one can give you the exact
No one can give you the exact answer. It's impossible. Much depends on the type of debts you have, the negotiation skills of the debt counselors, and the temperament of lenders.
If you have payday loans or credit card debts, which usually carry a very high interest rate, then you can see a substantial drop in the interest rate.
Yes, it's true. It depends on
Yes, it's true. It depends on the negotiation skills, your previous relationship with your creditors, and so on. However, if you opt for settlement through a settlement company, the payoff amount may get reduced by 40% - 60% you can assume.