Didn’t get anything in writing from the CA
Date: Fri, 06/14/2013 - 05:08
Didn’t get anything in writing from the CA
I have taken out a student loan from a credit union in Monterey Park. I have taken out the loan in 2009. I’m delinquent on the loan. It is with a CA right now. The CA has offered me a payment plan. However, they haven’t given me anything in writing. What should I do? Should I make the payments?
Is this a federal loan or a
Is this a federal loan or a private loan??
You are not going to get anything in writing. You have a prom note which governs your agreement. If you have defaulted, your balance is due in full.
If you do not pay, if this is a private loan you will get sued. Federal loans can garnish you without a court order.