Date: Fri, 04/12/2013 - 14:05
I need to make a quick decision. I defaulted on my SL 11/2011 for approx $7400. I received AWG 3/2013. I researched and discovered UNiv of 1 and decided to work with them to resolve AWG. They told me I could consolidate with Direct Loans for the balance only-no fees. That is what they specifically said. Everything was ok until I received my summary sheet from Direct and of course it was alot higher than my balance. I decided to contact ECMC directly and inquire about balance/fees/etc and they verbally offered to rehab $100 mos for 9 mos, and that they would stop the AWG immediately-more like 15-30 days (while I am rehabbing) via a letter mailed to my employer. My question is can I trust what I am being told verbally because everything I have read says they do not stop wage garnishment while in rehab--secondly Univ of 1 charges fees for their service, can I consolidate with Direct Loans directly? ECMC also told me I can consolidate in the future if I choose to or need to. The summary sheet from Direct says they will disburse on the payments unless they hear from me.
Any insight will is appreciated.
I would tell Univ of 1 to
I would tell Univ of 1 to take a hike...there is no charge for consolidation or rehb. All they did is fill a loan application for you. It is really up to you how you want to handle it.
Your balance is going to be significantly are being charged the mandatory collection fees. You have no way to get out of them.
I would like to tell them to
I would like to tell them to take a hike but concerned that I will lose precious time, since I have been dealing with them since 3/29-- so do you have any info about AWG stopping while rehabbing? Have you ever heard of them notifying the employer to stop while your re-habbing? I just want to make sure they are not just saying this to me or I will take the direct loan consolidation option. I want to make the BEST choice. When can I file an application with Direct myself, if I change my mind and stop working with Univ 1. Very nervous and little time to think thoroughly. BTW I am in Ohio. Thanks
Normally if a garnishment has
Normally if a garnishment has started, payments have to made over and above the garnishment to qualify for the rehab. If ECMC told you they would stop the garnishment, I would trust them.
Your app is already in with direct loans consolidation....the rip off artists univ of 1 simply submitted it for you. They have no dealing with it once it is submitted.