Debt settlement and court
Date: Wed, 02/27/2013 - 09:12
Debt settlement and court
If I only had one more year,
If I only had one more year, I would wait it out and would only settle with them if they file in court.
From my experience, settlements don't really affect you for a full seven years. Yes, they are still on my report but my credit has gone from a low of 520 (post settlement) to over 750 now...and we just bought a second home. Credit does recover - even with the ding still showing.
Citi watches the SOL and more
Citi watches the SOL and more than likely will sue before the SOL runs out.
citi - collection agency
citi just put my account into collection. When I called they said NCO financials would be contacting me. No word yet. Will they settle with me?
They more than likely will.
They more than likely will. You're probably looking at a range of 30 - 60% of what you owe.
Please feel to respond with any additional questions. Good luck.