10000 in western Sky loans
Date: Sat, 04/06/2013 - 13:24
10000 in western Sky loans
But what about his credit?
He says he is willing to pay the principal but what about his credit score or is that in the toilet now? It wasn't so bad before, but now he is afraid to check it and see a horrible score because of them. Will repaying the principal counter the credit rating?
Western sky is an unlicensed
Western sky is an unlicensed tribal lender. Legally he owes NOTHING...the contract is null and void. Morally he should pay back principal. WS charges usary rates of interest and a lawsuit wouldnt hold up in court. Stay off the phone and follow the steps in my signature line for illegal payday loan....secure your bank account.
Cash Call - Western Sky's
Cash Call - Western Sky's "loan servicer" is notorious for tanking your credit score. There are hundreds of people on these forums that have paid them back their principal two fold and three fold but yet they, Cash Call, won't settle and claims they owe more than they borrowed. They will eventually charge off the account (your credit score will really take a hit for that) and place with their collection agency, Delbert Services, who is owed by Cash Call. I have yet to find someone who was able to get them off their credit report or who was able to successfully work out any type of settlement that got them off their credit report. Check with your state of NY and see if they have any type of ban against Western Sky/Cash Call for issuing unlicensed loans. There are a few states that have banned them from doing business and have deemed their activity illegal. You can use that information to dispute with the credit bureaus to try to get them off. The rest of us are left to suffer with charge offs on our credit reports for loans that were paid up to triple the amount borrowed.
Is Oneclickcash Legit
Is oneclickcash legit? I borrowed and used their services many times and finally realized they were illegal in the state of the New York. I borrowed $650 back in September 2012. To this day they keep on calling me. I have not paid anything back. They said I owe them $1,070.00. I now reported them to the AG's office. I tried to settle with them but they were rude. Can this contract be nullified. Out of my past loans borrowed I technically don't owe them anything. I've already wasted $2,000-$3,000 in loans I've borrowed from them.
ALL payday loans are illegal
ALL payday loans are illegal in NYS!! Follow the link in my signature line.
I would call your state AG
I would call your state AG/financial department and have them look into this for you.