Date: Thu, 01/24/2013 - 08:04
The most your credit union
The most your credit union might do (that is if they subscribe to ChexSystems) is force you to close your account. They will not be freezing your funds.
I did not quiet understand
I did not quiet understand your question. Could you give us a bit more information? Is Chexsystems reporting a closed account? Because in that case, it would be completely natural if the account was in poor standing.
Okay I had 2 bank accounts, one with TCF bank and I have one with a credit union. TCF bank closed my account and reported me to Chex systems. Since I still have my account with the credit union can the credit union freeze my account with them so i no longer have access to my funds. Right now I am in the process of paying TCF off.
Unless TCF got a judgment
Unless TCF got a judgment against you and is pursing a bank levy, your credit union wouldnt even know about the TCF account.