Will Amex settle or should I just Bankrupt?
Date: Wed, 04/23/2014 - 08:43
Will Amex settle or should I just Bankrupt?
I agree with what the debt
I agree with what the debt counselors have said. Amex has won judgment against you. They can easily refuse to negotiate with you and demand the full amount. Well, bankruptcy is obviously an option. But, try to negotiate with Amex first.
BK is not an option as it looks like this lien is at least 4yrs old.also AMEX most likely will contest as when you file BK you can't pick and choose what debts are included and your 700 plus score will plummet.how did you not know about this?AMEX is pretty diligent when it comes to following rules for service in civil actions.the only option i see is to negotiate a conditional lien release so you can sell the condobut AMEX would get the proceeds.that's if and a big if AMEX agrres to that,but they have you by the short ones and BK again is not an option.
that amount is growing as you stated the int of 29%.waiting and not at least talking to AMEX.the amount is gonna increase.