Achieve Financial Security, LLC
Date: Fri, 02/24/2006 - 12:01
Achieve Financial Security, LLC
This company has been responsive to the complaints placed by the
This company has been responsive to the complaints placed by the BBB. Have you taken a quote from them? Read the contract thoroughly before you sign it. Understand all the terms and conditions before you get started with them. I will be placing more information on them after I get it.
Have you received anymore information on Achieve Financial Security, LLC as of yet? I have signed with them....thinking that my research was done....only to find out that I am sending money, and they have not even contacted or sent proposals to my creditors.
Achieve Financial Security llc are not good I am canceling them
Achieve Financial Security llc are not good I am canceling them they have not paid anything they messed us up so bad we have to file chapter 13
The Credit Card Solution
What about this company? They claim to eliminate, rather than reduce, credit card debt by challenging each account in federal court. I was about to sign up but have some reservations.
I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to the people at Achieve S
I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to the people at Achieve Security. They were extremely helpful in helping me solve my finalcial problems. I saved a HUGE amount of money. I settled one account for 19% of what was owed and the other for 30% of what was owed. And it was all done in 1 year!!(Which was actually 1 year eairlier that expected).
???? The people at Achieve really know how to do their job and they're very freindly and professional as well. I recomend them to everyone that I've come across in my similiar situation because these guys are that good!! They actually DO what they SAY they will do. Which is very refreshing, especialy in this day-n-age.??
?? So again, thank you very much for helping me out of the jam I was in.
My favorite post from above, from a guy who writes, "...challeng
My favorite post from above, from a guy who writes, "...challenging each account in federal court. I was about to sign up but have some reservations."
What?? Come on dude, why and the hell would you even consider having anybody challenge your debt in a federal arena? If that were at all possible! Do you honestly believe that this settlement company is going to head to federal court to challenge a debt? Are you saying that you're a victim of fraud? Is the debt not yours? If so, there is another way to go about this rather than heading to federal court. Fill out an affidavit of fraud, submit the document to your creditor, contact the credit bureaus. They are a debt settlement company you nitwit! Not a team of lawyers to fight your money protesting claims!
What? You're not one of those nut jobs that think credit card money is invisible money made up by credit card companies are you?
take a look
Come on people! If you have questions about the legitimacy of debt settlement, use the search option on this site and type in "Debt Settlement"
Debt settlement isn't for everyone, but for those who truly qualify, it's a lifesaver. This Achieve Financial Security company is in good standing with the BBB and have excellent credentials. You can check for yourself by googling "achieve security" . They are also one of the few companies that actually go through with licensing. Their license number is TC2982 and can be verified by calling 1 800 HELP FLA.
i myself was happy with the results of debt settlement, but its
i myself was happy with the results of debt settlement, but its not for the faint of heart. It is far from easy and or a easy fix. read up about settlement and know the facts to find out if this route is right for you.
second of all i would seriously re-consider the above post about the company taking the cc to court. sounds scammy to me.
Some of you people amaze me. I too was in credit card debt to t
Some of you people amaze me. I too was in credit card debt to the tune of 45,000. I could not keep paying them as the interest rates went up for no reason, my limits were dropped and then I was hit with over the limit fees. I hear people say their credit was ruined by this, NO, MY CREDIT TOOK A NEGATIVE IMPACT BECAUSE I COULD NOT CONTINUE TO PAY, WHICH WOULD HAVE HAPPENNED ANYWAY. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK YOU CREDIT SCORE IS THE LIVE ALL END ALL, GET REAL, ITS NOT. YOUR CREDIT SCORE WILL GO UP WHEN YOUR DEBT TO INCOME RATIO IS BACK IN LINE. I WAS TOLD THAT SINCE I HAD A 740 CREDIT SCORE I SHOULD NOT DO DEBT SETTLEMENT, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG MISTAKE. I am debt free after 28 months with Achieve. My credit score is already moving up and offers of credit are coming to me in large quanities, you see, I don't owe anyone anymore so I am a better risk than those of you still struggling to make the minimums. There is no secret program or trick to getting out of debt, there are just options and debt settlement is, after much reseach, the honest way to become debt free especially in today's economy. So, for those of you wondering what to do, you can keep doing what your doing or be like me and be debt free. In fact my wife kept putting our monthly payment aside each month and are now taking the kids on a vacation, with Cash. Now that's living for me and my family, not for the legalized loan sharks called creditors...come on, get angry, 30% interest should be against the law. I wasn't going to be a victim anymore, SO I'M NOT....ARE YOU???? THINK ABOUT IT.
sadly i agree b, i swore i would never use credit again after my
sadly i agree b, i swore i would never use credit again after my settlement process. Now i had to last summer for unexpected reasons not much about 2,000 worth, but enough that im sweating it. I dont care if you need credit to get a good credit rating i hate credit and frankly i could care less about my score.
When you are in the place that you and i have been, thats far from your most consern in my case i was on time paying but my score was still crap scince my debt charged was more than 50% of my available credit.
Now i barely have anything charged and its going back down due to the creditors reducing my limits cause of the economy. No fault of mine, just because. They make it so you cant possibly win.
You can easily repair your credit after settlement i did. But something stupid like them reducing your lines will make it drop again. Im through with credit i hate it. in 3 years i will be completely done i have a few secured loans yet. I swear after that its cash only. I will never take out a loan ever again for anything. they are the devil.
Achieve Financial Security is a decent company
I have been working with AFS for the past year.... I think they offer a valuable service. I wish things went faster... and I think they need to advise people about their monthly service fees... unless you front the funds up front all at once like I did.
They have paid off my bills in full after settlement. We have one more bill to finish up and then I am done.... and people need to be patient and realize this is a process. It took you time to get to this point, it will take time to get out.
I needed them to assist me on the negotiation of bills I had as a result of being in an accident... not for the day to day living and not being able to manage money. I am almost 100% debt free and now I am building up my portfolio.
I dont think I will go back to the use of credit cards. with a debit/charge card and cash... my life is much happier. I live with in my means..... and maybe I can not do everything at a minutes notice, but HEY.......... I can sleep at night now and I live within my means. :D
debt settlement, not debt consolidation
I have been with achieve for almost 2 years. they have helped to reduce my debt THROUGH SETTLEMENT with my creditors. i still have one company to go.
at first the money you send them pays their fees. when those fees are covered, the money you send them goes into an account to negotiate your debts with creditors to pay off what you owe at a lesser amount. this program is not for everyone. be aware that your credit rating will probably end up in the toilet. this is not AFS's fault. the program works only if there is a willingness of the credit companies to work with them. the key objective is to get out of debt and not get back in it with credit cards and other non collateral debts. credit companies love to give this type of credit because they can stick it to you at any given time and you cannot do anything but suffer because they have your signature accepting terms of service that 90 % of the population don't take the time to read. i can honestly say that i have talked to attorneys that tell me this type of debt relief was the wrong way for me to go. i am living with the consequences of not doing my research better, but they are really helping me. i hope this information helps anyone who reads it.
Stay FAR away from this company!!! They run a "boiler room" type
Stay FAR away from this company!!! They run a "boiler room" type atmosphere and lie to everyone they encounter. If you look above at some of the postings defending the company, it doesent take a genius to figure out its their "enrollment manager" typing that crap. Its like a game to them. I feel soo sorry for the innocent people who have "bought" there lines about getting out of debt. Heres what they DONT tell you... The creditors WILL work with you, they tell people "we can save you half of your debt, the creditors wont work with you" e.t.c. ITS ALL LIES!! Everytime someone signs up with these clowns, that person, or D.C. gets a $50 comission. They have changed their address twice, and changed their name from Achieve Financial Security to Achieve Security. The reason, well just google both of those business names and you'll see why. Also check with and do a search for both names. The "director" walks around trying to score drugs off of his employees. People, do yourself a favor, dont go with this place at all. They rattle off FAKE license numbers to build credibility. Ask yourself this , if a company has to build this credibility right from the start, what are they really covering up?
Anonymous 7/06/2009
You sound like adisgruntled employee of Achieve Security or someone who has a friend or relative working there. How do you know the "director" tries to score drugs from his employees?
you can settle debts yourself all you need to do is take some ti
you can settle debts yourself all you need to do is take some time on this site and you will learn. And everyone makes this sound so easy but its not as easy as it sounds so people go to settlement companies when they feel they cannot do this themselves for whatever reason. But if you take the time and research properly you will be able to find a credible company that will meet your needs. to many people rush in a panic once they realize they are in trouble and dont research therefore end up getting scammed or ripped off. you didnt get into debt overnight so it should take you a decent amount of time to find a reputable company. They are out there but you must research
The sales mananger whose name is Rick is pathetic!
The sales mananger whose name is Rick is pathetic!
i haven't made any payments yet and just got my bank to stop my
i haven't made any payments yet and just got my bank to stop my overdraft so whenit hits it will go back NSF. how do i get OUT of the agreement
You have many variables to a situation that may casue failure
Originally Posted by sdchargers_63 Well...thanks for the 'tip'. If I hear that name again, I know they aren't any good. they haven't 'worked' for a few people, anyway. |
Im an insider in the industry and I find it interesting how many debtors that post comment on blogs about comapnies that messed them up to the point that they had to file bankruptcy.
There are many factors that may have played into that, did you make all your payments as planned?? If not, you will not succeed in any debt settlement program,
Were you honest about not having any assetts when you enrolled, IF not your creditors may not want to settle, because they can see the 3 rental porperties you did not disclose to the company, and they refuse to settle and want to sue you in court,
Do you have a large income and refuse to alter your lifestyle temporarily to get the settlement process done faster?
If not you may be sued sooner than someone who has a ligitimate hardship.
The problem is some companies do not screen as well as they should. If you have a debtor who's only hardship is, I could not stop charging and buying things, and they have a good income, they may have issues trying to settle their debt.
Many people get letters from collection agencies that are headed by law firms and the letter head sound like an attroney, and they think " OMG im getting sued." when actually the law firm is not even in their jurisdiction and can not sue them, but that debtor jumps to conclusions, calls their comapny and quits, then files Bankruptcy ,and says the company did nothing for them.
Thats just not fair and not an objective point, you have to see both sides, I agree, check the companies BBB, how they handle their complaints, and review your agreemet and ask good questions.
I just checked this companies BBB rating and they have a "A-" looks pretty good comapred to some others, they only have 9 complaints in 3 years.
Not sure how many client they have but based on how many people are on this blog I would say they must be reaching quite a few, only 9 complaints in three years does not sound like they are Rooking people out of their money....just some perspective from an insider
Sad, all these rebutals are from current employees, glorifying t
Sad, all these rebutals are from current employees, glorifying their services. They are a scam, big time. I can tell by the wording of some of these posts, these are coming from the "sales director" D.L.
Very interesting. I want to know another question. Although noth
Very interesting. I want to know another question. Although nothing to do with the subject, but I still want to know. Because there are a lot of people flow, for asking this question.
do i buy an ipad or wait for the next? I have al zenithink zt-180 andriod 2.2 From
trying to decide if i should buy a 16GB wifi ipad from JB hifi or should i wait for the next generation? somebody say Buy, dont buy? Who cares. You'll love it either way. Ifyou can wait 4 months, you'll get a slightly better model.
Wait 16 months and get an even better one!!!
but i DONT know how to do??
no problems
I have been working with them and have had no problems and they are always their to answer any questions for me and have taken care of my debts for me I have but one large one and the small ones left and all done in a timely manner :)