Mulitiple payday loans in ohio!!!
Date: Thu, 01/17/2013 - 15:51
Mulitiple payday loans in ohio!!!
Ok.. I probably should have
Ok.. I probably should have asked this long does loan have to be in collections before company will offer or be willing to settle? Check n go is still being pretty tough on negotiations. Also- if ohio law states that $500 is max loan amt.. How in the world did i walk out with a $1000 14 day loan from ace cash express?? It is a storefront.
finally registered
ok...need some back up..well maybe more like comfort.. I took the first step and closed my acct next week on the should be interesting..I'm a little nervous..I have written the and and wage assignment letters and are prepared to send them. My question is.when should I do that?is it safe to do that now since acct is closed or shall I wait closer to due date which for all the 31st. you recommend handling storefronts? Cashland corp did advise me to go into office day before its due..they will honor e.p.p.. One down.. Purpose money.. I will pay in full. Ace..well, corp office said nothing I can do. It will go to bank. Default and then right to collections. Maybe I can work something out then. Advance America..well they said go to office and see what they can do. I have been hit really hard with loss if income for my family.. Unexpected responsibilities for my home.. And children. I can't do this anymore.. But I'm so nervous of the embarrassment and harassment that's to come. Will storefronts honor payment plan and hold off on contacting references if we come to agreement or different terms? What do you think I'm in for?..
Glad that things are looking
Glad that things are looking up for you. Keep up the good spirit and keep going!
thank you--
I just wanted to follow up with you to let you know how things are going so far---way better than I had ever expected! I sent the ach revocation letters to my illegal lenders and no response-well at least not yet. So we wil see. I sent the ach letters to Check N Go online --they honored the letter-did advise me it would go to collections but at that oint can make arangements. Cashland-literally walked in and out with EPP no qustions asked in less than 10 min! Advance America-EPP plan in less than 15 min-and i will be visiting Ace today. I received different information from customer service at Ace Corp. One rep advised me that they do honor EPP in OHIO and an other said they didnt. So i was so nervouse about this one. I owe them $1120.00 with the interest. So before going in, I decided to call the branch office and ask them. She said "come on in, sure we can do that!!!" So i will be visiting them today. I cannot say how much this forum has helped me. I literally thought i was going to have heart attack---and believe me-none of this $ has been for leisure! I wish. With three kids--and carrying the financial burdern myself--its been hard. I wish i would have read this earlier--
Tying to register
Hi .. Im trying to register so that i can get follow thread .. Having some issues.. Any help?
Glad to hear things are
Glad to hear things are working out for you. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Unless the CFSA forgot to
Unless the CFSA forgot to update their website or some new law came into effect, any CFSA member lender is required to offer the EPP option once every year to individual consumers who are finding it hard to repay the loan. Who exactly did you talk to? The CFSA or one of the lenders? You are correct in deducing that Green Valley and Payday Mobility are illegal lenders, one is tribal and the other is offshore. Down to the tougher deals, except for those two all your other lenders are legal. Ace, Cash Land, AA and ChecknGo are all CFSA members, so you can possibly go the EPP way with them. Purpose Cash is possibly not CFSA so either you have to keep paying to keep up the good standing or you can stop paying, revoke ACH and force it into collections after which you can negotiate on the terms.
Multiple payday loans ohio
Rep at cfsa advised me that they do not have to offer epp in ohio . She says its against-better practice ..I directly spoke with check n go as well .. They said the same thing.. Im just trying to pay once a month with them instead of twice! Im so confused by all of this .. Ohio state law describes and defines epp .. But cfsa sats they dont have to offer? Huh?!!