Legal in GA?
Date: Wed, 01/23/2013 - 10:52
Legal in GA?
Payday lending is prohibited
Payday lending is prohibited in the state of Georgia. On top of that, these are illegal lenders. You owe them nothing more than the principal amount that you borrowed. If you have overpaid/ already covered the principal, you do not owe them a cent. In order to deal with them, you need to start by revoking ACH authorization in writing. Send a copy of the letter to your bank and the other to your lenders. You also need to revoke any voluntary wage assignments you might have agreed. Same process, but instead of sending a letter to your bank, send it to the payroll/HR department. Once that is done, send a letter to your lenders politely asking them to bug off. After that, file complaints with the AG and the FTC.
Please don't make double post
Please don't make double post. You can view your answer in the following thread.