school loan dept programs to payback
Date: Fri, 11/23/2012 - 19:49
school loan dept programs to payback
Student loans do not settle in small payments. Settlements are
Student loans do not settle in small payments. Settlements are a one shot payment with usually only a portion of the collection costs waived. There are no hardship plans, only temporary payment arrangements. You can also look at consolidation thru the direct loan program.
There are progrmas for financial hardships, concerning student loans. I've done them myself when I wasn't working. I had no payment (interest free) for one year. I was on the same program with 'Direct Loans' and 'AES'. You may want to call one of these places and ask them questions that you have. You can find their numbers on the web. At least, that's a starting point. :)
The poster is already in default and has to work with gc service
The poster is already in default and has to work with gc services....consolidation and rehab are her only choices.
student loan
OH!! Ok. Maybe I missed the 'default' thing. I do apologize. In that case,..yes,...that's correct information. I was in default at one time and it took almost an act of God to get my account back to 'good status'. Deafault student loans do affect alot of what you can and cannot do (credit wise, etc.).