Payday loans and how to pay off through debt settlement
Date: Thu, 11/15/2012 - 21:08
Payday loans and how to pay off through debt settlement
I had enrolled in a debt settlement program and had been told that the program would accept payday loan debt as long as the creditor sent the account into collections. I had a law firm assigned to me and a lawyer. I found out today that this was incorrect and that the original representative for the debt settlement program gave out false information. Apparently in Ohio, the law states that payday loans cannot be put under debt settlement programs. I am now stuck in a situation that I need advice on how to repay. I did find in Ohio law that it is illegal for payday loans to operate via Internet (which majority of mine are through) without having a location within Ohio. The companies I used are all Indian sovereign nations. I do not know how that works in regards to the Ohio law but I need someone to help me with this please. I have received a message that a legal courier is coming out on Monday to have me sign some paperwork because one of the companies (don't know which one) is filing charges against me. Need advice on whether I should sign or not.
Lol @ "legal courier" List out your lenders for us and we will
Lol @ "legal courier"
List out your lenders for us and we will try to help you. Any sovereign Indian loan is illegal and unenforceable so likely this legal courier thing was BS. Please list out your lenders and amounts borrowed and what you've paid.