student loan
Date: Wed, 11/07/2012 - 14:53
student loan
I have a very old and troublesome student loan. West has purchased my debt. I now have the means to offer them one lump sum and hopefully negotiate a reasonable settlement. Should I try this myself or should I seek a professional negotiator? How can I be sure that if I pay them a lump sum that they arent just pocketing the money and not actually retiring the debt once and for all?
you need to get the settlement offer in writing... have they off
you need to get the settlement offer in writing... have they offered/have you offered a number yet?
Quote:I have a very old and troublesome student loan. West has p
I have a very old and troublesome student loan. West has purchased my debt. |
Student loans are not sold to collection agencies...they are assigned by the guarantor
I now have the means to offer them one lump sum and hopefully negotiate a reasonable settlement. |
Is this a federal or private loan??
Should I try this myself or should I seek a professional negotiator? How can I be sure that if I pay them a lump sum that they arent just pocketing the money and not actually retiring the debt once and for all? |
That would be a waste of time. Need to know what type of loan and how much you owe.