united holdings group/collections
Date: Wed, 10/31/2012 - 13:43
united holdings group/collections
I have posted on here a few times and really have appreciated the help that I have been given.... I have actually gotten 3 payday loans considered PIF after me sending them a letter to let them know that the loan is illegal in the state of Florida. I am still working on a few others, but have not heard anything back until today.... so here goes.
I have a PDL with United Holdings Group... 1-877-891-9021. I sent them an e-mail on October 3 letting them know that I was revoking ACH privileges and that my loan is an illegal loan in the state of Florida. Well, I heard nothing back from them, sent them another e-mail on October 23, asking again for a response. Today my husband got a phone call at work telling him that he was going to be issued a summons to appear in court for fraudulent check charges due to this loan. He got all the information and then called me and asked me to take care of it.
I contacted the phone number, answered Reliant Solutions (I think) and spoke to a gentleman that would not give me his name. I told him that I sent information to United Holdings Group letting them know that the loan was illegal in the state of Florida and that they payments I had made on the account would more than clear the loan up, in fact they owe me a refund of $150.00. He said that the debt is actually valid and we have an opportunity to settle the account for $610.00 if we paid it today. I told him he was crazy. He said the original loan was for $1200.00 back in July. I told him NO the loan was for $300.00 back in July and that I had made 5 payments of $90, which would total $450.00 and the loan should be considered paid in full since it is an illegal loan in the state of Florida. He said that I had a copy of the contract and everything was stated in the contract.. Well, I do not have a copy of the contract and in fact I requested it, but did not get it. I asked him to send me a copy of the contract, but he told me that he did not have a copy of it and that I needed to call United Holdings Group. I called them and asked them for a copy of the contract and they said that they do not have it any longer... They both were extremely rude to me and stated that they don't have to abide by any laws of the state of Florida. They abide by the Federal laws... HMMMMM.
I told them that I would not pay anything more on the loan and I certainly would not pay to a third party collector when United Holdings had the opportunity to work with me on the loan. He said "fine" we will serve you with your summons to appear in court and "remember we can add a $1500.00 fee on top of this loan if it goes to court. We are trying to work with you prior to litigation to help you out and so you don't have to pay the fee." Again, I told him to send the paperwork so that I could see it and I would go from there. He told me "I don't have the paperwork."
I am really thinking this is just a scare tactic, as they like to work this way. But my hubby is concerned because they are calling him at work.
Can anyone help ease my mind and my husbands mind on this....
Thanks in advance.
SCARE TACTIC!! If a company is calling and tell you to pay, a
If a company is calling and tell you to pay, and they don't have paperwork, then that is NOT legitimate. If they don't have paperwork to send you, how do they know what you owe and your phone number??
Next time someone calls, ask them if you can record the conversation. Then, ask him what his name is. Then ask what the company's name is, and have him spell it out. Then ask for your account number that he is calling about. Then ask for the physical address of the company. Then ask for a telephone number to reach him, and you can add that you need it in case the call is disconnected. Then ask him what loan company he is calling about.
Ok, so, just keep asking him questions. Do not answer anything until he answers all these questions.
This is what I do. And they get sick of it. If he won't answer any of these legitimate questions, ask him why he won't answer.
He will soon get annoyed an hang up. I just of think of it as a game. How can I get this guy to hang up on me?
Oh, and if after you ask if you can record the conversation, of he says no, ask him why. I'm sure he will hang up after that.