student loan
Date: Sat, 10/20/2012 - 16:58
student loan
I myself was contacted just last year about defaulted student loan! the threatened to garniush my wages and all this other BS, I didnt dispute the money owed, However I wasnot going to be degraded by the debt collector! so i sent my payments directly to the department of education! And i do so with other debt im paying off! I will NOT send any money to a debt collector! if im paying off a debt, I send payment to the original creditor, once accepted by them, the so call debt collector has no standing!
Guess what.....your payment then gets forwarded to the collectio
Guess what.....your payment then gets forwarded to the collection agency!!! They still get credit and in the case of a student loan, not cooperating with the CA puts you in line for an administative wage garnishment if you did not set up a payment plan with them.