Palisades Collections
Date: Thu, 10/18/2012 - 19:47
Palisades Collections
I sent these people a Debt Validation letter they sent the same information to me that they had on the original request. And they did not answer me in the 30 day time period also they did not provide proof of anything regarding the debt as described in my request. Now what do I do? I also know for a fact that this debt is way beyond the statute of limitaions in my state of Florida. I do not want to give them any opportunity to say that I have reaged the debt even though they cannot even prove that said debt is in fact mine as they have no legal records. Please tell me what my next step should be in this matter.
Thank you
Thank you
Quote:I sent these people a Debt Validation letter they sent the
I sent these people a Debt Validation letter they sent the same information to me that they had on the original request. And they did not answer me in the 30 day time period also they did not provide proof of anything regarding the debt as described in my request. |
There is no 30 day window in which they have to respond...they just cannot continue collection activities until they validate.
What information did you request? Where did you get the DV template? Most DV's on the internet are poorly written and they do not have to provide you with most of the information contained in these letters.
Now what do I do? I also know for a fact that this debt is way beyond the statute of limitaions in my state of Florida. I do not want to give them any opportunity to say that I have reaged the debt even though they cannot even prove that said debt is in fact mine as they have no legal records. Please tell me what my next step should be in this matter. |
You you know it was out of SOL, why bother with a DV??? Dving is a waste of time. You simply send them a cease and desist, stating that the debt is out of SOL for your state and is now time barred and to get lost.
As long as you do not acknowledge the debt or make payments/star
As long as you do not acknowledge the debt or make payments/start making payments against it, there is no question of them having the opportunity of reaging the debt. Just send the C&D letter and close the chapter.
one flaw in your post steve
if you send a c&d stating the debt is in fact "time barred"you are acknowledging the debt.the rest was good though.