Allied Interstate
Date: Thu, 10/11/2012 - 10:44
Allied Interstate
I would like to know how they obtained my work phone number when I am only a contractor and not actually employed by the company. Did they obtain my phone number by illegal means?
There is no definite way to tell exactly where they got your wor
There is no definite way to tell exactly where they got your work phone number but they will go on harassing you. Inform people at work about the problem and ask them ignore the calls and block the number(s).
View this page to know more about them: http://www.debtconsolida
View this page to know more about them:
It depends on the type of account allied is handling. If it is
It depends on the type of account allied is handling. If it is a student loan, the IRS provides them with the information. There are tons of other sources available.