Credit Card debt - How do you "fix it yourself"?
Date: Fri, 10/05/2012 - 16:19
Credit Card debt - How do you "fix it yourself"?
My questions is: how do you do it yourself? What are some tips for doing it on your own without having to go through a consolidation company and worry about fees, possible scams, etc?
Do you just call each individual credit card company and try to negotiate? Can you go through your bank (without taking out a loan)?
Any help would be appreciated, because I've been reading horror story after horror story about people's experiences with consolidation/relief "companies" and I'm concerned. :?
It depends. There are non profit credit counseling services you
It depends. There are non profit credit counseling services you can go to, however if your debt isn't too high (below 15k) then you can handle it yourself. Who are the creditors?
Chase and Capital One, mostly. Around ~$12k. I'd truly love
Chase and Capital One, mostly. Around ~$12k.
I'd truly love any tips for handling it myself!
Ok... please register to the site so we can really help you more
Ok... please register to the site so we can really help you more.
Now Capital One is generally hard to settle with. Chase is very understanding in most cases and will settle easily. To give you better help tell me, are the cards past due at all? And what type of cards are they (i.e. capital one venture, chase slate, etc.) --- this will determine how support will treat you (unfortunately)