co-signer on student loans
Date: Thu, 09/27/2012 - 07:40
co-signer on student loans
Your attorney should have explained the law to you. Student loa
Your attorney should have explained the law to you. Student loans, both private and federal are non dischargable under bankrtuptcy. Once your 13 is discharged, your balance with interest will updated and become due in full again. Both you and your children can still be sued as most private loans do sue on a regular basis. Your kids need to step up and start paying on their loans.,
No law has been past to change the dischargability. Even if the law return to what they were, it would require 7 years of being in repayment from the time the loan became due. This would speed up the judgment process for private lenders, meaning they would start filing suit after a year in default and garnish wages/levy bank accounts for a longer period of time before the debt could be discharged.