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Multiple Returned ACH Debits

Submitted by on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 10:17
Posts: 202330

I received a phone call stating that since I had 6 returned ACH debits (all from the same company because they decided to run them through that many times), they had the authority to issue 6 misdemeanor warrants and send an officer to my job to arrest me unless I paid the debt immediately. Is this possible?

I had a loan with National Money Store. I had made payment arrangements as I had to close my checking account since I lost my checkbook.

I opened a new account at another bank. Somehow, don't know how, they found my new account information and without asking me they took the loan of $ 450.00, $ 112.50, $ 45.84 x 2, $ 45.83 x 4 which totals $837.50.

I called them this morning and I asked them why? As they had no written and/or verbal permission to take money out of my account.

I have tried to call PDL on several occassions to consolidate all my PayDay Loans. Easy to get into and hard to get out of. Especially when finances are so tough.

I am furious............I don't know what other legal entities I have, as far as, my rights.


Submitted by on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 08:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had a loan with National Money Store. I had made payment arrangements as I had to close my checking account since I lost my checkbook.

I opened a new account at another bank. Somehow, don't know how, they found my new account information and without asking me they took the loan of $ 450.00, $ 112.50, $ 45.84 x 2, $ 45.83 x 4 which totals $837.50.

I called them this morning and I asked them why? As they had no written and/or verbal permission to take money out of my account.

I have tried to call PDL on several occassions to consolidate all my PayDay Loans. Easy to get into and hard to get out of. Especially when finances are so tough.

I am furious............I don't know what other legal entities I have, as far as, my rights.


Submitted by on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 08:59

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I recieved calls from a man name David he has called my job several times saying that I am going to have thousands of dollars in fees because they are issuing a warrant and the police are going to come to my job and arrest me if I don't pay this loan by Friday. I didn't pay it so on monday he called back to my Job telling me that the warrant would be issused this afternoon if I didn't pay by 1pm and that i would recieve garnishment of my checks of 25% until all the money is paid. I told him that I hired a Lawyer and he called me stupid for doing so saying now I am going to be out of more money because a lawyer couldn't help me because they are already taking action and have on file that they ran this through over seven times with only receiving small payments which did not cover the debt. Now he's saying i'm being charged with a class B misdemeanor. He also claimed the company called me several times tring to resolve this matter when clearly they didn't, until he started calling my job with this matter my co-workers are witness to the calls he have been making to my Job. Is this considerder harrassment?

Submitted by on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 13:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

boy, I can't believe how many people have also experienced the threats of arrest....for something you would be willing to pay if they would work with you. They also have people calling from other countries and various phone numbers saying they are officers. I know it's not real but it's still upsetting.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 13:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

boy, I can't believe how many people have also experienced the threats of arrest....for something you would be willing to pay if they would work with you. They also have people calling from other countries and various phone numbers saying they are officers. I know it's not real but it's still upsetting.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 13:00

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I spoke with a guy by the name of Shelby who told me he was a supervisor and he was horrible. He treated me rudely and then after yelling at me he hung up on me. All I asked was why he had called me in the first place. Anyone know who I can report this to? I called back but got the same guy who claimed he was the only person available. This sounds like a real scam to me. Who can I report this company to?

Submitted by on Fri, 05/29/2009 - 11:17

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I was just browsing looking for help with multiple payday loans. I saw this website and had questions myself. I can't afford to pay them anymore and am terrified to death. I closed my checking account and will keep telling them I can't pay them right now. I was threatened into reinstating loans with them promising to call my boss and have me arrested. Am I safe? Can they just get a judgement againt me? for the money owed?

Submitted by on Sun, 06/07/2009 - 18:34

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They said they tried to take my payments out of my account and I didnt have the funds. They required me to send them a running balance statement of my account. My bank has no record of any attempt to remove funds. When I faxed the statements to them they said there was not enough funds however there was. They will not send me proof of the NSF or information as to when date/time they attempted to remove funds. This cost me $400. Please assist I need to get my funds back

Submitted by on Mon, 07/13/2009 - 12:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They said they tried to take my payments out of my account and I didnt have the funds. They required me to send them a running balance statement of my account. My bank has no record of any attempt to remove funds. When I faxed the statements to them they said there was not enough funds however there was. They will not send me proof of the NSF or information as to when date/time they attempted to remove funds. This cost me $400. Please assist I need to get my funds back

Submitted by on Mon, 07/13/2009 - 12:35

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you already paid them the 400? if the bank has no record of them trying to take the money than you don't owe them anything. i would just tell them now to put that money towards paying down your loan cause you don't owe them anything, you refuse.

Submitted by on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 08:34

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I received a phone call and was threatened by someone with being charged with bank fraud.
I paid 967.35 for a 300 dollar loan so they wouldn't come and arrest me

Submitted by on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 20:42

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I was out of the office for few days and when i came back there was a message from "First Legacy Asset Management" saying that there will be a warrant issued for me if i dont get my account settled at 1PM. They even left a message on my voicemail regarding the arrest that would occur if i dont pay them by 1 PM...
He was explaining that since my ACH transactions were all returned, it is considered as a bounced check and that they will forward it to Los Angeles County to issue the warrant. I am located in los angeles and this company is located in New York (716 725 6640).
Is this true? that if ACH transactions were returned it would be considered as bounced check and i could be arrested?

Submitted by on Tue, 04/27/2010 - 15:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Unfortunately i had to close my checking account because of too many overdrafts. I have several payday loans. Most of them made arragements to allow me to pay them off without adding extreme charge. National Money Store is the only payday loan company that would not allow me to make payment arrangements--to add, they said that i cannot mail the payment to them nor western union it to them. i must WAIT for their attorney to contact me or open up another checking account (which is out of the question). I know this "wait" is another ploy to add more charges.
I want to know what i should do.
Thank you for your assistance.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 09:47

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
boy, I can't believe how many people have also experienced the threats of arrest....for something you would be willing to pay if they would work with you. They also have people calling from other countries and various phone numbers saying they are officers. I know it's not real but it's still upsetting.

Recieved call from this company First Legacy Asset Management, was threatened with papers being served to me on my job regarding some payday loan I took out(which I'm not aware of). I told him that I was not aware of the debt but the guy continued to talk over me insisting if I don't call this number and make arrangements for payment I would be served. I just asked that he no longer call my place of employment and hung up. Not even a minute later, got a call from a blocked number from some guy from H & Y Process Servers who said he was assigned to serve me "papers" on my job. I preceded to ask his name, his company name and my information such as my employment address and etc. just to see what all he knew. Needless to say, he didn't have any of the answers. So I told him Ok, he said are you sure you want me to do that, it will cause you embarrasement because I will need 2 witnesses to sign besides myself and the officer I will have with me for my safety. I was like ok, I'm up front and I can get two people, how soon will you be here. He was like in about 30min., do you want me to call before I get there. I said you can or you don't have to, I'm going to be upfront, it's your choice. He then just says ok and hangs up. It's now going on a hour since the phone call and no "process server" is here yet to serve me these bogus "papers". What a sorry hoax!!!!

Submitted by on Tue, 07/20/2010 - 13:18

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