so lost
Date: Tue, 07/17/2012 - 15:31
so lost
What happens to my NCT loan if i file bankruptcy?
What happens if i stop paying and get a judgment against me?
I live in Texas?
What happens if i stop paying and get a judgment against me?
I live in Texas?
Student loans can't be discharged in BK and chances are your loa
Student loans can't be discharged in BK and chances are your loans will immediately default when you file BK
Then what would happen? Im considering taking this thing all
Then what would happen?
Im considering taking this thing all the way to the end... but I dont know what the end is...
When your student loans default, you will most likely be sued im
When your student loans default, you will most likely be sued immediately and have your wages garnished. Are your student loans private or federal?
NCT is National Collegiate Trust, a private lender. They will s
NCT is National Collegiate Trust, a private lender. They will sue but they cannot garnish because the poster is in Texas. They will pursue bank levies and property leins.