Being Sued
Date: Sat, 06/30/2012 - 15:00
Being Sued
Hi Has anyone one here actually recieved the summons, went to court, and been sued by the private lender? I am waiting for my summons and just would like advice. I am scared to death. I owe a LOT of money in private and federal loans. No I had no idea what I was doing when I took them out and yes, I thought I'd be making enough money to pay them back when I got done with school. No I didn't read the fine print on the private loan or I would have never ever done it. It's too late now I just need to get my ducks in a row at this point. My credit is already destroyed, that's not the point. I went through a 9 month rehab too, and be cautious of that. I was promised that the default would be removed from my credit and it wasn't. My Mom gave them 3,000 over the phone, and it shows up NO WHERE that it was put to my loans nor a receipt was never given, and they didn't even get my loans to Direct consolidation correctly because several of them didn't get consolidated that were eligible and now I am being garnished from my wages too. They don't have to notify you either of the garnishment, nor did they to my employer. They sent the notice of garnishment to the offsite payroll company, which in turn, did not notify my employer. When I called and asked Fl Dept of Education why I wasn't sent a letter their reply was, "We don't have to". These people don't play around. So if you are out there sitting in default on loans, don't turn a blind eye, because this will happen to you. I'm living proof. The stress is so bad it's affecting my performance at work, and I also will not be able to pay August rent nor pay July's electric bill, forget cable, or my water bill or car insurance or my son's health insurance. I went to a food pantry today. All my money is gone at the end of the month for neccessities. I don't mean clothes, and getting my hair and nails done either. I mean my kid going to summer camp that is 105.00 a week or DCF takes him because he is too young to stay home alone and I receive no child support since 2007. But no one cares about any of that when these loans are due and you do NOT pay them. I will post when I get my summons. It is by National Collegiate was the original. It got passed down so many times I couldn't keep track. Many times, it wasn't even identified when it was sold or sent to CA. When I called the number to work it out with them a long time ago and as recent as this past December, the numbers were all fake or disconnected or phone trees that led you into oblivian and then would hang up. I know this because I tried, over and over again to contact these people.
Check your credit report and find out who owns the private stude
Check your credit report and find out who owns the private student loan debt as of now. Check the NSLDS database for your federal loans. How much is the total that you owe?