debt collection
Date: Mon, 06/25/2012 - 10:33
debt collection
I have had someone calling me from gc services threatening me about a student loan. I informed the individual that I have lost my job my home and have been attempting to find ways to pay something towards the debt. I informe this Chris person that I am now working and would like to set up a payment plan of $200.00 monthly. I also encouraged him to review my past payment history as I was paying for over 5 years without fault until I had financial problems due to job lost and home foreclosure. Chris said he has heard it before that g c services would need at least $300.00 to $350.00 each moth to get this settle. I informed him that my wages has dropped $15000.00 a year and he told me to give blood or sell plasma. Now I'm not sure what violations these are but this is no way to do buisness and my financial history shows the changes I have unfortunately endured. I am still trying to figure out a way to pay my loans and I have provided my banking information and my job information but continue to get the calls even though now I am being garnashed.
Quote:I have had someone calling me from gc services threatening
I have had someone calling me from gc services threatening me about a student loan. I informed the individual that I have lost my job my home and have been attempting to find ways to pay something towards the debt. I informe this Chris person that I am now working and would like to set up a payment plan of $200.00 monthly. I also encouraged him to review my past payment history as I was paying for over 5 years without fault until I had financial problems due to job lost and home foreclosure. |
You are in default....your past payment history is irrelevant. When you lost your job, did you contact your lender, ask for financial hardship deferment or forebearnace??
Chris said he has heard it before that g c services would need at least $300.00 to $350.00 each moth to get this settle. I informed him that my wages has dropped $15000.00 a year and he told me to give blood or sell plasma. Now I'm not sure what violations these are but this is no way to do buisness and my financial history shows the changes I have unfortunately endured. I am still trying to figure out a way to pay my loans and I have provided my banking information and my job information but continue to get the calls even though now I am being garnashed. |
You agreed to balance in full on demand in case of default. His job is to collect the balance in full or get as big a payments as he can. Suggesting you sell plasma is similar to telling you to get a part time job...nothing wrong with that.
Who is garnishing you?? THe student loan??