School Debt
Date: Wed, 06/06/2012 - 13:31
School Debt
My wife and I live in PA and she had a school debt back in 2005 (we were only dating a few months) for $1,500. The circumstances at that time did not allow her to pay it, so she went about her life and never heard anything about it. Now it is 2012 (almost 7 years to the day) and this debt never appeared on her credit report, nor did she receive a collections call. She just received a call from a creditor saying to pay the debt, and she responded by saying that the statute of limitations has passed on this debt. Since her credit has since been cleaned up and we are about to buy a house, we are concerned. My question is: can this debt be added to her credit report after all this time of inactivity? Thanks for any advice!
What type of school debt?? Federal or private loan? Tuition ac
What type of school debt?? Federal or private loan? Tuition account???
What type of school?
Federal loans and school debt have no SOL....never goes away.
And since reporting usually goes from the date of default, it co
And since reporting usually goes from the date of default, it could possibly be reported