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Editing and Deleting Posts

Date: Thu, 05/31/2012 - 08:21

Submitted by OhioGal1
on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 08:21

Posts: 5253 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 41

Editing and Deleting Posts

I'm not comfortable with the removal of our authority to delete and/or edit posts that are older than 15 days.

Here's the reason:

We have several "sticky" posts here that need to be kept updated. I've been struggling, trying to complete the PDL laws of the 50 states and now won't be able to simply go in and update that thread? I'll have to do the whole thing all over again, whenever a change is made? I think that's ridiculous.

Also, sometimes someone revives an old post and I'll see an old solicitation that was missed, now I can't remove it by editing the post or deleting.

I think it's a bad call and I don't like it at all.

If you notice any new spam/solicitation posts, say today in a 15 day old thread,then you should be able to delete them. Now if you find any spam post in an old thread (generally it should not be there if timely moderation has been done), then you need to send us the thread and we will delete the spam post from here.
As far as updating the pdl sticky page is concerned, it is a very rare case so we would appreciate if you can send us the part which you want to edit in your older post and we will change it from here . You can keep on adding new updated posts in that sticky thread itself.

We have taken away the edit/deletion rights as we have noticed few moderators misusing their powers by deleting genuine posts or threads which had long discussions. Even now we are getting regular complaints of post deletion.

We are looking forward to your cooperation.


Submitted by Jason on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 03:36

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

Yes I delete posts. Paul and Ohiogal delete posts...and none of us will make any appology for it. We are trying to keep this forum professional and informative. We delete nonsense posts and repetative cut and paste posts. Let us do the job you have entrusted us with....

FYI...I vote that SpaceBlank be shown the door...I have sent him messages and continues to post cut and paste answers with incorrect information. I follow him around...delete, delete, delete.....


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 04:58

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

all i know is since unregistereds are allowed to post again there are spams,solicitations,and idiots with "dick issues"posting for viagara that get through the mod filter.also alot of unregistered are posting dangerous information like account numbers on their threads.since this a blatant TOS violation how do we handle that?as soaplady stated it doesn't look proffesional when a thread started by an unregistered that contains that info that gets deleted,but there is no response from the OP.i liked it better when people had to register to post.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 05:46

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

It is not a question of getting rid of anyone. Our experience is showing that in the last six to eight months, we have seen many good forum threads and posts getting deleted - either intentionally or by mistake. Again we are not talking about any specific person. It is better to inform us about the required changes/actions that needs to be taken rather than losing the valuable threads or posts. For example we may lose the important sticky's that have been made by our valuable members.

We have a wiki article section where one can publish the same sticky content in an article format which gives one an opportunity to edit articles whenever one feels like. Regarding post deletion, we have already said once before that even if someone welcomes an OP in an UNANSWERED thread and ask him/her to wait for expert advice, we don't think there is nothing wrong in it as the OP feels his/her post is not being ignored. We get post all the time and since we cannot expect all the mods to be present all the time in our forums,so there has to be someone who will acknowledge those unanswered posts. It may sound repetitive but then the OP knows that someone will come to answer his/her question later. In the mean time I have asked the concerned member to not post for the time being.


Submitted by Jason on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 03:16

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

my point is that we get alot of stupidity.just today someone thought we denied them i doubt someone who can't conduct a simple search has great credit as they stated.we should make it where registration is required again.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 06:04

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

[QUOTE]If you notice any new spam/solicitation posts, say today in a 15 day old thread,then you should be able to delete them. Now if you find any spam post in an old thread (generally it should not be there if timely moderation has been done), then you need to send us the thread and we will delete the spam post from here. [/QUOTE]Jason, I need to be honest. That is a slap in the face. Just the other day, I deleted dozens of spam threads--and as I was deleting them, unregistered folks were already replacing them with more. We end up making the rounds checking the usual suspects because if we do not, then very misleading and false advice ends up staying on the forum, and visitors end up following that bad advice. I take it as a real kick in the stones that you would post a comment like that. There is so much extra crap we have to sift through as a direct result of your rules that there are bound to be things that fall through the cracks. You want timely moderation?? Simple--act to get rid of the endless spam, and put a stop to unregistered posters posting up all kinds of ridiculous nonsense. If I didnt have to spend that time deleting dozens of viagra ads and links to illegal payday lenders, perhaps I wouldn't miss that old spam post or other thing that should be deleted.

In other words, you say you are on our side--now is the time to show it with action. Your moderation staff comes to you looking for help so we can simply do our jobs, and rather than make the changes that work, you throw out a comment like that....?


We have taken away the edit/deletion rights as we have noticed few moderators misusing their powers by deleting genuine posts or threads which had long discussions. Even now we are getting regular complaints of post deletion.
Here is a legitimate question--if people are allowed to complain about the actions of the mod staff, and you take action because of those complaints, then why is it that your staff repeatedly asks for changes that would legitimately help this forum, only to be told why we cannot have them? It is important to listen to the members, but it is equally important to listen to the staff. If you are seeing an issue with select moderators, why not address it with those select moderators? Instead, you have removed the ability for ALL of us, regardless of if we have "abused" it or not. As a child, did you ever get punished for something that your brother did? That's about what this feels like right now....You should be working to make our job easier, not harder. The easier and more effective our efforts, the better the forum. I do not delete anyone's posts--I was accused of it one time, but the idiot who accused me of it didnt even notice that his post was right where he left it--still visible to all. But even though that's the case, I am not able to do my job if I notice something older, because "a few mods have misused their power". I own a business. I cannot fire one worker for something another worker did wrong....

We are looking forward to your cooperation.
We are likewise looking forward to yours as well. You have no idea the lengths I have gone to, and still go to, in order to help the people of this forum. I get messages darn near weekly from people getting sued, threatened, etc etc. You have no idea how many people I have passed contact info to so that I could help them deal with documents and letters, etc etc etc from debt collectors. Just this evening, someone messaged me asking for help because MCM is suing them. More and more people keep showing up looking for that help....I am more than happy to provide it. But if you cannot stand by your team of moderators, something isnt right. If someone is doing wrong, why not talk to them about it?

I am more than happy to help people that come here scared and looking for help. But you are making that more and more difficult with these things. There are some dedicated mods here.....believe that. We take our roles here seriously. We know that people count on the things we say to help them when they do not know what to do. Some of these dedicated people are making comments like they wonder if you are trying to get rid of us---with all respect to you, please listen to that. It is important. It should not just be brushed off when one of your mods asks you that question.

Regarding post deletion, we have already said once before that even if someone welcomes an OP in an UNANSWERED thread and ask him/her to wait for expert advice, we don't think there is nothing wrong in it as the OP feels his/her post is not being ignored. We get post all the time and since we cannot expect all the mods to be present all the time in our forums,so there has to be someone who will acknowledge those unanswered posts. It may sound repetitive but then the OP knows that someone will come to answer his/her question later.
Think about this--seriously--how many fewer unanswered posts do you think you would have if we were not chasing down canadian pharmacies, viagra sellers, porn links, and all sorts of other spam? With the registration requirement in place we saw a LOT LESS of those. That in turn frees us up to do what matters the most here--help people get answers to those posts. Is it really that hard to understand that we are simply trying to do the job you have asked us to do??


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 21:31

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

People who post at 3am in the morning shouldnt have to be told that they might have to wait until daybreak for their question to be answered. Yes, I have deleted Blankspaces "I dont have a clue but wait and an expert will be here" 5 minutes after the original poster posts. No nothing.

I delete A LOT.....but I am also on this site many many hours in a day. I keep the flow going, deleting answers that dont answer the question that was asked or just gives a bad answer. I probably delete 200-300 spam posts in a day. I take the time to answer idiots who cant do a google search properly and I know damn well wont return BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REGISTERED!!!! I suspect most of the "complainers" are the same people that we as mods are sending PM's to notifying that they are post bad information....they ignore our emails and keep posting the same crap. So I delete. These complainers are not contributing anything to this forum and are pulling the quality of the good answers down.

Jason...maybe you should spend a day logged in to see the amount of crap we have to wade thru. I answered about 50 questions on this forum and probably 30 in social answers. We mods go thru every post made, double checking what has been posted and deleting the crap, especially from the idiots who post while we sleep. We take pride in this forum and the work that we do. So back us up and let us do our job!!!


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 22:30

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )


Case in point....

NathanielCopeland needs to go. It is that simple. The guy has 249 posts, and several of us have asked him to stop posting false info here. He has never responded to any messages from me and he has never stopped posting any of the crap we point out to him as being false. At what point do you allow us to pull the plug on someone like this? Why should this be allowed to continue for so long? We need you to BACK US UP on things like this. Same as spaceblank--the guy posts tons of false information. Rather than relying on us to constantly babysit the same person over and over again, when you are being told that these people provide nothing of value here, why not put a stop to their posting? You talk about how we cannot be everywhere on the forum and how you do not want posts to go unanswered, but if you refuse to listen in cases like this, we spend our time here babysitting people that ignore our requests to them instead of answering posts for people that actually care!!

This cannot be that difficult to understand. By allowing those people to stay here and post like you do, you are forcing us to moderate a known problem child all time. And that keeps us from answering those new posts. If I only have a short time today to spend on this forum, and I spend that whole time deleting spam and correcting ignorant posts that shouldnt be allowed here, then I cannot help the people who really came here looking for help! How in the world does that help this forum?


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 04:58

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

all or most of this started as a result of letting the unregistered idiots post with abandon again.we see old threads with the solicitations because these things are waking up 3 plus year old threads.90% of the posts by,and threads started by unregistered,and anonymous are idiotic,contain deleteable info,and are basically a waste of time.that is my issue here.get back to where you had to register and all will be fixed.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 07:26

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Not exactly, Paul. The people who keep complaining about us deleting their useless and incorrect posts are registered members (e.g. Nathaniel and Blankspace).The unregistered posters are another issue but also related to the fact that we can't edit/delete.I feel like we're no longer wanted here, honestly.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 07:34

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

what are we a bakery?there shouldn't be anything we can't edit/delete.again that is up to jason/ for the two idiots as well as the feelings are in my reply just into it waht you will.btw the bakery reference was about dates freshness expires.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 07:48

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Thanks again for your valuable feedback. We feel that three points have come out from the discussions in this thread...
1) unregistered posters/posts
2) post quality
3) post edit/delete rights (15 days time limit)

It is my humble request to all mods to no take the decisions/replies personally. Generally we have not seen spam posts in an old thread (which is 15 days old) after the expiration of the moderation period. This is because the spams are normally deleted by you all. But even if some spams posts are left behind in a 15 days old thread, then you are requested to send us the thread url so that the required moderation can be done from here itself. We have no problem in giving mod rights in old threads but because we don't have any provision technically to segregate between active and inactive moderators, we had no choice but to apply it on all moderators. This will also help us to prevent these threads/posts from being hacked and we will be able to preserve the important threads created by our valuable members and moderators. Please understand that you still have the edit/delete rights. You can edit/delete the new posts that are being posted in the 15 days old threads. In case you see any spams/solicitations in the older posts or you need to make some updates (for e.g sticky), then like I said before, do send us the required urls for necessary actions.

Whenever you made any observation regarding bugs and other issues,they have been taken care of. In the past you have seen that we had banned or asked members not to post anymore in the forums based on your feedback. This time also I had already asked Spaceblank (I have mentioned it in my previous post) not to post in the forums. Now since you have post issues with Nathaniel, we are asking him not to post as well.We have always given value to your feedback, in the past as well as in the present. So you don't need to feel that we are brushing off your suggestions :)

Sometimes, we have to make some decisions which you all may not appreciate but then we also need to take into consideration few points like increasing thread posts/members and so on. Moreover we get regular mails to allow guest posting and we have seen several guest posters have eventually gone on to become registered members of our community. We need to listen to all for the overall growth of our forums. Based on your suggestions we had implemented a system where only the registered members could participate in the forums. Even in that case, we still got spams.

We often see members asking questions as if we are the creditors or collection agencies or a loan company. These people ask these types of questions based on the search results they get irrespective of being a registered or unregistered member.

As far as spams are concerned we know the amount of time you all spent for moderation and that's the very reason we have introduced moderators points for rewarding our moderators'. We are planning to implement a system which will make our spam filter better as well reduce complaints on post deletion.

We hope you will understand our stand and thanks again for your valuable time.


Submitted by Jason on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 05:12

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

there is a thread i just responded to titled(security check sysyems)it had two unregistered idiots.i deleted one yesterday,but two more popped up.if i were to delete those i can't lock it because the last post before theirs was in 2010.we need a little more leeway in this respect if you are going to allow unregistered's to post.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 06:03

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


But even if some spams posts are left behind in a 15 days old thread, then you are requested to send us the thread url so that the required moderation can be done from here itself.

I am seeing 20-30 a day. Crappy info, potentially dangerous to a newbie, spam and spam advertising. Sorry, I am not sending emails to someone else to moderate.
This time also I had already asked Spaceblank (I have mentioned it in my previous post) not to post in the forums
He is still here, posting as an unregistered guest. Caught 2 of his posts this morning.

Sometimes, we have to make some decisions which you all may not appreciate but then we also need to take into consideration few points like increasing thread posts/members and so on.Quote:
Moreover we get regular mails to allow guest posting and we have seen several guest posters have eventually gone on to become registered members of our community.

Why do we have to wait for them to "eventually" become members
We need to listen to all for the overall growth of our forums. Based on your suggestions we had implemented a system where only the registered members could participate in the forums. Even in that case, we still got spams.

The spam as drastically increased since allowing unregistered.

We often see members asking questions as if we are the creditors or collection agencies or a loan company. These people ask these types of questions based on the search results they get irrespective of being a registered or unregistered member.

We rarely got these posts when they had to register. The process of registering gives them more information that would indicate we are not their creditor. This type of post jumped 100 fold whereas when registration was required, there was maybe one or two a week. I must have answered at least 5 yesterday alone. These idiots are posting their social security numbers and credit card numbers.

We hope you will understand our stand and thanks again for your valuable time.

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Submitted by SOAPLADY on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 06:12

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Hi All,

With all the site changes that have occurred and those that are still in motion, it would be great for us all to meet and discuss how things are progressing as well as the concerns raised in this thread.

The active mods have been here a long time and are very committed to the site. Discussing the growth and ways to improve the site for all who come here could not be better timed.

Would all those concerned be available to participate in a conference call this weekend? Would evening or morning hours be the best option?

It would be fantastic to have an even closer knit mod community by meeting once a month through conference call or a google hangout where we can all be participants in how to improve the community. Not everyone will be able to make a once a month meeting all the time, but we can post minutes for those who could not make a given discussion. It would be great if everyone could make this first one though.

Please post your individual available times in reply and we can coordinate a call.

I will say it was a pleasure to speak with and get to know SoapLady a couple of weeks ago over the phone.


Submitted by MichaelBovee on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 06:13

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )


originally posted by Jason
Whenever you made any observation regarding bugs and other issues,they have been taken care of. In the past you have seen that we had banned or asked members not to post anymore in the forums based on your feedback. This time also I had already asked Spaceblank (I have mentioned it in my previous post) not to post in the forums. Now since you have post issues with Nathaniel, we are asking him not to post as well.We have always given value to your feedback, in the past as well as in the present. So you don't need to feel that we are brushing off your suggestions
Jason, with all respect to you, I could not disagree more.

In the recent past, it has gotten so bad with respect to some of the problem children on this forum that moderators had to repeatedly complain about the issues in this section before any action would be taken. I understand you do not want us to feel that our suggestions are being brushed off, but we feel that way because they have been. Case in point--mariemegge. This member was posting bad information in threads. I am not the only person that complained about it. She even took to sending me multiple harassing PMs because she did not like being challenged about her errors. Multiple attempts were made to get something done about it, and she was allowed to continue on.

Here's another one--gretchen vanderhoff. Someone actually made this person a debt samaritan....and in all her 261 posts, there was nothing constructive. Lots of bad information, combative....insulting towards moderators....she was finally given a temp ban after several of us complained about it to you--we were initially told that she was here to stay---again, why do we feel like you brush us off??? Anyways, this DEBT SAMARITAN was temp banned....she immediately signed up under a new screen name and continued the idiotic behavior. She even took to sending me a ton of cursing, ranting emails and it took filing a police report to get it to stop! When we protested her appointment as a debt samaritan, no one cared what we had to say.

I actually got so fed up about that mess, the emails that I was receiving from her, that I had to post an ultimatum to you--

Your answer was to TEMP BAN HER. After THAT. Tell me again why we are wrong for feeling like you brush us off? I have been very dedicated to this forum, and after one of your debt samaritans went WAY off the deep end, your best effort was to offer to temporarily ban her?!? You've GOT to be kidding me! You want increased traffic?? AT WHAT COST?

You need to learn to trust the staff here--we are more than the folks that delete spam. We are the eyes and ears of this forum. If you do not show us that you trust our judgment calls in cases like these, then how do you expect us to feel anything except brushed off? Steven Doyle was another one.

I understand that you worry about forum traffic. But ensuring proper content will boost forum traffic. Imagine this--suppose someone comes here, sees a thread with false info in it, and follows it? They get sued. They lose. Do you think that person will be coming back here to join this community? If you build a bunch of the smaller blocks properly, they will become a properly-built big block.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 18:45

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

Hi All,

My effort to schedule the conference call was short notice. It would seem there was not enough time to coordinate a day and time that could work for all.
SoapLady's response was the only one.
Lets shoot for next weekend.
All those interested please post a reply with hours of availability for next Sat or Sun.



Submitted by MichaelBovee on Sun, 06/10/2012 - 03:05

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )

Hi again,

Other than SoapLady, there has been no response to the suggested mod conference call.
I am curious if that is do to lack of interest in the call?

Mods spend significant amounts of time on the site. A conference call to openly talk about skydivers concerns, junk and spam posts as well as insights into developments and direction of the site will provide a backdrop for improvements we all have an interest in supporting.

This coming weekend is my last in the Raleigh NC area. I will be moving back home to Sandpoint ID the following weekend. The weekend after that leads into the 4th of July.

It would be great to get a response from all active mods as to availability for a call this weekend.
If you do not have an interest in attending a conference call that's okay. It would be good to know that too.



Submitted by MichaelBovee on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 06:01

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )

last weekend,and this one are not good for me sorry.i would like to hash this out as the unregistered's are really becoming a problem.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 06:07

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Thanks for the response Paul.
I suggested weekend days based on the assumption that it would open up more availability and participation.
Any day of the week can work really.
Speaking for myself, I can be available between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm eastern any day.
Are you available on a weekday Paul?
Lets see what others respond with too and coordinate from there.


Submitted by MichaelBovee on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 06:11

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )

i'll let you know about the weekend after this one.might be good for then,but i'll keep you posted.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 06:27

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Thanks everyone for the responses!

It sounds like the weekend after this coming, so June 23rd or 24th, may work for many of us. I will make sure I am available when we settle on a time. It would be best for me if it were in the evening. If we do it on Saturday the 23rd I will be in hotel somewhere on mountain time. If we do it Sunday night the 24th I should be at home and on pacific time.


Submitted by MichaelBovee on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 08:24

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )


It isnt that I do not have an interest in a conference call. My concern is this--will it even be worth our time?

I mean, I aired some serious and documented concerns here in this thread. And not one word of a response came. Not one! If Jason wants us to feel like he isnt blowing us off, and I cannot get a reply here in a thread, are we going to get a reply to a conference call full of concerns?

I am not here to pick a fight. That isnt at all my interest. But we contribute a substantial amount of our time to this place. I do not think it is too much to ask that when Jason steps up and makes those statements that contradict with the actions we have seen on the forum, that it be addressed. I feel that we are seriously being taken advantage of--I feel that Jason is concerned more with site traffic than he is with the quality of that traffic. There comes a time when we have to choose what the primary goal of this forum is--either we are here to gain as much traffic as possible or we are here to ensure accuracy of info for the people that need the help. There is no good reason why any member of this forum should be allowed to treat any other like some of these people have treated others--And that should apply even more to debt samaritans, etc. When I pointed out what had taken place in here, and he wanted to put a temporary ban on this person, there is no call for that. This person was already asked nicely, then cautioned, then warned, then temp banned, all by several moderators, and none of it worked. We need to have a definite plan so that we understand what the priority is for this forum.

I feel that we need to hear from the admins in this thread about this. A conference call is a great idea, but like I said, if I do not warrant a conversation here in this thread with Jason about what obviously did take place and how I was treated as so expendable back then, then how can we expect him listen to all of us on a phone call? It took me actually giving an ultimatum--either she goes or I go--and even then, his response showed a complete lack of respect for me on this forum. I honestly feel that Jason was less than forthcoming in what he said here. I believe he doesnt want us to feel like we have been brushed off, but at the same, I believe he has done just that. As an admin, how can you ask your mods to be patient with you and go along with your plans, when you treat them in such a manner? I was literally ready to walk right off this place and not care either way. I stayed because of an email I got from one of our members, that I had helped out when she was sued last year over someone else's debt. She's in the same boat again and asked for my help again. I stayed because of the people we help. And I am sick and tired of that sentiment being taken advantage of.

As for the conference call, Sundays are never good for me. Maybe Saturday would work better. I am the Central time zone.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 12:32

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

Thanks skydiver.

I can assure you that this first call will be very relevant to your concerns raised in this thread as well as similar concerns found in the past year in the mod section of the forum.

My suggesting this call is partially inspired to meet this purpose.

I will be hosting the call as part of the site admin team. I do not take your concerns lightly. I am certain Jason does not take them lightly either. Articulating that to you briefly here, and more fully on the upcoming call, or in a personal conversation, will prove time well spent. I am confident.

Its shaping up that Saturday the 23rd would be the best and nearest weekend day for most of the active mods to get together.
Can everyone reply and suggest a weekday and time that would work well (if at all)? If an evening call Mon through Fri can work, that would give us an alternative.


Submitted by MichaelBovee on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 17:51

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )

Dear Mods

First of all thanks for your conference call meeting interest. We were waiting for the call meeting time confirmation replies from your end.

Now let me address all your queries/concerns one by one as I have been doing so all these years. I'm sure if you go through the old posts, you will find that on every occasion you have raised any issue regarding member, bugs,or site suggestions, those threads have not gone unanswered :) There may be very very rare exceptions where I might have missed out a thread.

As per your feedback regarding post quality, we have already introduced vote system in social answers where one can give negative vote to a low quality post and make it the least acceptable answer for the OP. And in forums we have asked some members not to post in forums as per your feedback. Even last time when similar concerns were raised about a few members, we had informed them about your concerns and asked them not to post. Regarding your issues with them posting with different ids, can you give us a suggestion on how we can prevent them from posting in an open forum like ours? If we continuously keep on banning / blocking ips, it will prevent other people who have genuine queries from participating in the forums. This is because the ip loop will be blocked for them also. Well, I have said this so many times :) Even you may have noticed that whenever Mods have mentioned list of user names to be banned from our forums (ref : in this mod forum itself), they have been banned. For your information we have so far permanently banned more than thousand members.
Moreover do you think a permanent ban is the ultimate solution? Even if we ban a particular user permanently,they can easily create a different id and start posting or if we block their ip they may start posting from a different ip - isn't it? That's why we generally avoid giving a permanent ip ban (unless they are spam bots) as it affects a whole lot of people who may have genuine queries in our forums. It has no relation to brushing off your suggestions. The point to note here is on every occasion you raised issues regarding particular members (not to post in forums), we have asked them to do so which shows we have listened to your concern and tried to take necessary action.

Now regarding harassment issues with one or two particular member which are very sparse. Please note that if you have any forum ToS issues, it is always better to inform us via mail, the private messages or mails (preferably snapshots ) that takes place between you and the members at the time it is happening as this will help us get a a clear picture what's happening behind. Since we cannot access member pms, we always don't get the full communication (from both ends) that is being exchanged. It is therefore important to keep us in the loop when messages are being exchanged as it makes it easier for us to take timely action. In Gretchen's case, she also sent us mails/ pms and told us the trouble she was in and thanked the forums for the help she received here and wanted to help others as well. But what she complained was whenever she had a different opinion, her posts were being edited / deleted, minutes after she has made those posts which she found very insulting. It was after we received complaints from you, we had asked her to refrain from making posts. We hoped that she would abide to our request but when she didn't, we banned her. Similarly, we requested you to be patient since Mods' are our forum representative. Any activity without any explanation or rude comments for questions asked by members which looks obvious or unneeded will create confusion or give a wrong impression to others. Response from frogpatch is best example how to deal with this kind of poster where he tells not to engage in debate as it unnecessarily complicates situation. Just avoid them and address the issue the OP has asked. And if any personal attack takes place in a thread we request you to leave it to us to deal with the situation by sending us the thread url. Such instances are very rare unlike spams and I'm sure you can send us those urls. I remember asking Marie Megge not to add links in posts after we received complaints from you. We asked her to list her company in our Ranking chart and signature which she did later on. Since we deal with so many members every day, there may be one or two unfortunate incidents which may not be to our likings. Sometimes confusion arise because we don't get the complete picture of a particular situation. But it is my earnest request not to generalise those one or two exceptions with so many good Samaritans/members.

We have had experience of a different kind when a user called pdlowner was made debt Samaritan and few mods had objected to him being made a Samaritan because he owns a pdl company. Many feared that he may misuse the forums. The Samaritan repetitively complained how he was harassed for posting in the forums in spite of members repeatedly thanking him for giving good answers here in the forums.

Please note that I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just citing an example. Just as we need to give importance to our mods feedback it is also important for us to look into member complaints as well.

Guest members eventually become members because some are not comfortable registering at first, some are not very computer savvy, some prefer to just search info in our forums and once they get help and want to help others as well they register eventually. In all cases its good for our forums. Some take time, some do it instantly. Its just a matter of member choice or the way they look at forums. e.g :


Submitted by Jason on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 05:51

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

yes jason the pdlowner point is right on as i remember him.i was the only one(or one of a few)that stood up for fact there is a thread in this forum where i addressed that as i got into it with a fellow named anthony lemons.set off a firestorm then too.while i am for giving any REGISTERED member the benefit of the doubt.when iron clad proof comes down of mulitiple tos violations.the action should be swift,and doubts,no questions.i know running this site is not easy,but we are here to make it easier(at least i hope we do)and to that end you need to give us the leeway to edit/delete info from old old adage to close my can't be all things to all people.


Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 06:36

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Hi Everyone.

I apologize for not posting an update on the conference call prior to now. As mentioned prior, My family and I moved cross country back to Idaho over the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately I blew out an already damaged knee during all of it.

We are settled back in and I am back to a normal routine until I set up surgery (no rehabin this puppy this time).

Can we all get together tomorrow or Sunday?
How about the following Sat or Sun?

I have a number setup we can use. It is:
Conference Code: 671110

It may be best to assume next weekend Saturday at say 8pm eastern and just go with however many can make it. I will write a summary and post it for those who cannot make it to review and comment.

Please share your thoughts.



Submitted by MichaelBovee on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 13:48

( Posts: 125 | Credits: )