Settling private student loans.
Date: Sun, 05/13/2012 - 20:49
Settling private student loans.
08/10/2006 PLP00
$279.47 08/17/2005 PLP00
$5,433.69 06/06/2005 PLP00
$1,679.46 09/22/2004 FEDERAL STAFFORD LOAN
$0.00 09/07/2004 PLP00
Total $14,337.36
Total with interest and other charges: $15,339.03
The stafford loan is ~$2900, but not included in any of those totals.
The one federal stafford loan was given to an outside collection agency for collection, is there any way to get them to recall that loan if I were to pay all at once? this multiple loans?? Where are you getting these numbe this multiple loans?? Where are you getting these numbers?? NSLDS???
You will need to set with the collection agencies....they are authorized to settle. However settlements with student loans are not the same as other consumer a general rule, they will only settle on part to all of the collection fees. And you will receive a 1099
Yes they are multiple loans over the years. What would be a good
Yes they are multiple loans over the years. What would be a good % to ask off of the loans as a whole? Also, what is a 1099?
Sorry to double post but I can't edit my response. I got the num
Sorry to double post but I can't edit my response. I got the numbers from the private loan lender's site under my account. Thanks again.
Are these in fact private loans?? Sallie Mae still holds many f
Are these in fact private loans?? Sallie Mae still holds many federal loans.
They are from iowastudentloan dot org. I think they were private
They are from iowastudentloan dot org. I think they were private loans anyway. need to log into to find out w need to log into to find out where your loans are. When you default, salliemae would have filed claim with your guarantor. Since FFELP loans are a thing of the past, I am not sure if that guarantor even exists anymore. The DOE may be handling it.
What do you mean salliemae? As far as I know I have no loans thr
What do you mean salliemae? As far as I know I have no loans through them.
I've used that site to look up who has my loans, and I have some
I've used that site to look up who has my loans, and I have some from direct loans, but the ones from were given to me originally from
Sorry I keep posting new posts, but I just looked more into it a
Sorry I keep posting new posts, but I just looked more into it and it does say "private loan program" under the details of all the loans but the stafford one that they sent to their collection agents. Hopefully this is enough info for you to help me. Thanks.