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Companies threatening to sue us - Riscuity, Inc

Date: Wed, 02/15/2006 - 08:37

Submitted by Vikas
on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 08:37

Posts: 2019 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 56

Companies threatening to sue us - Riscuity, Inc

This is another email received threatening us from Riscuity, Inc on Feb 8, 2006.

I am hoping you can help me. My name is Bob Cervelli. I am the Chief Operating Officer of a company named Riscuity, Inc.

There is a string of postings that are going on about my company on
your debt consolidation Care website.

Here is a link to the original thread:

Over the past few months, there has been some major smearing of our organization by ex-employees. I understand free speech when someone has a problem or needs clarification of how a business does business, however just before the holidays, so called "ex-employees" or Ex-management" started posting personal information about the CEO,
Edward Chen. They published his home number and home address. This caused the CEO to change his number. His wife, who is home pregnant, also had major concerns about their physical address being posted on your website.

It is now coming to the point that people or "Ex-Employees" are posting a lot of false information about Riscuity along with slenderness comments about the management of the company. This is now turning into a bloodbath of rude comments and untrue facts about Riscuity and its management team.

Let me first explain that any ex-employee making these posts would have a vendetta against the company because most likely they were terminated for wrong doings. Face the facts, companies do not terminate people who are doing a good job.

I, on at least one occasion, asked our in-house counsel to post a rebuttal to a post in order to help clear the air on a misunderstanding that one of our debtors had.

Finally, your board was designed to allow debtors a vehicle to ask questions and receive answers. It was NOT designed to slander a company, allow ex-employees to vent out their frustrations or divulge personal information of the executives of the company.

With that said, I am asking that this entire thread be removed from your system as it is causing a lot of turmoil within our company and placing a major black mark against a company that is small in nature and trying to offer opportunity to those who work for it.

I can sincerely assure you that Riscuity, Inc. works within the laws of the fdcpa. Has not violated and laws and has a clean record with any regulatory body. In fact, if you were to search the internet, it is only your website that has derogatory information about Riscuity.

Riscuity did go through a cleaning out process of problem employees about 1.5 years ago. It is those employees that find thrills of what they are attempting to do.

With all this said, I am making a formal request that you take down this particular thread as it is defeating the purpose of what your website is trying to promote and accomplish. Let me also remind you that in your own "terms of use"

Off topics:
Debt consolidation care forum does not solicit topics on religion, race, nationalistic, sexual, gender and war. The Pub is not a place where discussions or gossips on any personal hostility will be entertained. Any type of foul language or inflammatory posts will be edited without prior notice.

Unless you can supply me with a reason WHY you can not do this, I have no other alternative but to seek legal methods to accomplish what I am asking for in a businesslike manner.

These postings have gone too far. Please help me in resolving this issue and understand our prospective and the reason why I am making such a request.

Bob Cervelli

cc: Bonnie Corales. Corporate Counsel, Riscuity, Inc.

Bob Cervelli
Chief Operating Officer
Riscuity, Inc.
[/quote][samebox="Vikas"]Thread moved since I received a Fax from name of representative at company name certifying under penalty of perjury that the content posted is false. This was done as per policy posted at

The fax has been kept on file.[/samebox]

Your company took out over $300 w/o my authorization.
So you can take you company and, well wait tell are atty gets ahold of you taking out money from my chk acct w/o my authorization. lets see who tarrent county judges think about that!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 06:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I know what you are all feeling. I was shocked and damn near shaking when I found out they took out $590 out of the blue. I have no business with this company and have not gotten any loans in over a year. The fact that they can tap into your personal account is crazy and they should be stopped. I am going through my bank to get it reversed and will file a complaint with BBB. I am also in the process of filing a lawsuit since no contract or check was ever made out to them or stating them.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 17:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have sent a payment May1,2006 and it amazes me they claim they still haven't received it. Isn't it amazing out of 13 bills I sent outon the same day from the same mail box they are only one to never receive it. They also love to call with restricted telephone numbers showing up on your caller ID. Don'y answer any calls that ID like that 9 out of 10 are telemarketers or people who have no legitimate reason to call you.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 22:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

All the statements that have been made about this company because they have treated me the same way. The guy I talked was rude and not understanding and making threats to call my C/O and 1stSGT to try to make me make a payment. These guys are unbelieve and disrespectful. I am glad I looked up this information now I have something solid to prove because I owe money that I dont' have to take these people being disrespectful to me at all and report to the better busines bureau.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 12:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )