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Companies threatening to sue us - Riscuity, Inc

Date: Wed, 02/15/2006 - 08:37

Submitted by Vikas
on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 08:37

Posts: 2019 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 56

Companies threatening to sue us - Riscuity, Inc

This is another email received threatening us from Riscuity, Inc on Feb 8, 2006.

I am hoping you can help me. My name is Bob Cervelli. I am the Chief Operating Officer of a company named Riscuity, Inc.

There is a string of postings that are going on about my company on
your debt consolidation Care website.

Here is a link to the original thread:

Over the past few months, there has been some major smearing of our organization by ex-employees. I understand free speech when someone has a problem or needs clarification of how a business does business, however just before the holidays, so called "ex-employees" or Ex-management" started posting personal information about the CEO,
Edward Chen. They published his home number and home address. This caused the CEO to change his number. His wife, who is home pregnant, also had major concerns about their physical address being posted on your website.

It is now coming to the point that people or "Ex-Employees" are posting a lot of false information about Riscuity along with slenderness comments about the management of the company. This is now turning into a bloodbath of rude comments and untrue facts about Riscuity and its management team.

Let me first explain that any ex-employee making these posts would have a vendetta against the company because most likely they were terminated for wrong doings. Face the facts, companies do not terminate people who are doing a good job.

I, on at least one occasion, asked our in-house counsel to post a rebuttal to a post in order to help clear the air on a misunderstanding that one of our debtors had.

Finally, your board was designed to allow debtors a vehicle to ask questions and receive answers. It was NOT designed to slander a company, allow ex-employees to vent out their frustrations or divulge personal information of the executives of the company.

With that said, I am asking that this entire thread be removed from your system as it is causing a lot of turmoil within our company and placing a major black mark against a company that is small in nature and trying to offer opportunity to those who work for it.

I can sincerely assure you that Riscuity, Inc. works within the laws of the fdcpa. Has not violated and laws and has a clean record with any regulatory body. In fact, if you were to search the internet, it is only your website that has derogatory information about Riscuity.

Riscuity did go through a cleaning out process of problem employees about 1.5 years ago. It is those employees that find thrills of what they are attempting to do.

With all this said, I am making a formal request that you take down this particular thread as it is defeating the purpose of what your website is trying to promote and accomplish. Let me also remind you that in your own "terms of use"

Off topics:
Debt consolidation care forum does not solicit topics on religion, race, nationalistic, sexual, gender and war. The Pub is not a place where discussions or gossips on any personal hostility will be entertained. Any type of foul language or inflammatory posts will be edited without prior notice.

Unless you can supply me with a reason WHY you can not do this, I have no other alternative but to seek legal methods to accomplish what I am asking for in a businesslike manner.

These postings have gone too far. Please help me in resolving this issue and understand our prospective and the reason why I am making such a request.

Bob Cervelli

cc: Bonnie Corales. Corporate Counsel, Riscuity, Inc.

Bob Cervelli
Chief Operating Officer
Riscuity, Inc.
[/quote][samebox="Vikas"]Thread moved since I received a Fax from name of representative at company name certifying under penalty of perjury that the content posted is false. This was done as per policy posted at

The fax has been kept on file.[/samebox]

You know Vikas, this makes me think. In the Creditors and Collectors Data Base, could we possibly provide an area where consumers could contact people such as Mr. Cervelli in a professional and dignified manner when they just can't get anywhere with the front line people? Would Mr. Cervelli like to volunteer to have his direct office number or email posted in that section?


the one thing I will agree with Mr. Cervelli on is that the posting of employees or company officials private phone numbers, addresses, etc is in appropriate. While I feel this forum should continue to be open, we should consider adding private identifiable information to the list of things that can't be posted. We don't allow non governmental web addresses to be posted without prior authorization, or email addresses, why should private phone numbers and residential addresses be any different?


Submitted by LCW on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 08:04

( Posts: 1151 | Credits: )

Clay, great idea...
As I read the email a second time, I can't help but chuckle.. what are "slenderness" comments. Okay so I know what he meant to say.. but it strikes me that most COO's especialli those with firms who are sophisticated enough to have corporate counsel.. would spell correctly in a letter of such magnitude... Next question... have these emails been reviewed by the site's sponsor's counsel? I wouild be interested in kowing their opinion.


Submitted by jj on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 08:09

( Posts: 1057 | Credits: )


February 17, 2006
Subject: debt consolidation Care Posting
Dear Mr. Cervelli
Your Letter to Debt Consolidation Care in reference to posts made by former employees of Riscuity, Inc. was recently posted by the web master in the forums entitled ???PUB???. I am not an employee or agent of Debt Consolidation Care, and what I am writing today in no manner should be regarded as an official or unofficial response from Debt Consolidation Care.

I am merely writing as a participant, hoping to shed some light on your concerns, and maybe offer some assistance in your matter at hand. My whole reason for participating in this (and a few other forums) is to help others when ever possible with fixing the debt related problems. Like many people, I have had debt problems and know the hardship it can bring to a persons life. The tactics used by many collectors can only ad to that hardship, and in some cases can cause a person to go into depression or even to consider causing harm to themselves or others, all because of a collectors heavy handed tactics and willingness to skirt consumer protection laws.

You seem to be an honest and sincere individual, and the concern for your Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Chen and his family is admirable and quite sincere. Personally, I do agree the posting of home phone numbers and addresses inappropriate. You most likely are correct in your conclusion that the posters have some sort of vendetta against the company. However, if you think you know who is responsible for the post then I would suggest to you pursue action against them instead of turning to websites all over the Internet trying to censor what they are saying (bear in mind their right to say it is protected under the US Constitution). This does offer the impression your company is trying to cover up, rather than do business in the light of day.

You are correct in your statement that the forum was designed as a forum for consumers ask questions and receive answers to them. However is is important to remember it is an open forum with rights also guaranteed under the US Constitution.
Personal opinion and accounts of personal experiences will undoubtedly be posted. If those experiences involve your company, how did the situation get handled? Wouldn't you want some one to post they had a great experience with your company?

As your title is Chief Operating Officer, I must make a few assumptions. First, that you work in a back office, away form the ???floor??? or area where your employees carryout their duties. With this in mind, the natural thought progression is
1.that you are not aware or involved in the day to day activities of these employees.
2.You have delegated managers and supervisors to over see such details.
3.Your training and legal departments have issued training material and guidance which sets policy for how your activities are carried out.
4.I must assume the CORPORATE policy is that all collections activities are carried out in full compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws.

The question is here is, are they ?

There are forums and website all over the Internet just like Debt Consolidation Care where consumers can post in the same manner their questions, experiences and opinions. You cannot possibly spend your time searching all these sites for derogatory posts and threaten legal action if they don't delete theses posts.

You Stated ???With that said, I am asking that this entire thread be removed from your system as it is causing a lot of turmoil within our company and placing a major black mark against a company that is small in nature and trying to offer opportunity to those who work for it. ??? While I am certain this has caused much turmoil in your company, it cannot be then only thing placing black marks against your company. Is the behavior of your associates also causing black marks to appear?

I see by the news release concerning the name change from Capital Crossing, Inc to Riscuity, Inc. and your companies own website that Riscuity, Inc. off shores a significant amount of work. This is a practice which I personally am opposed to, as it places very sensitive identity and personal information at risk, and takes job away from hard working and deserving American in an effort to save just a few more dollars. The point is that from past experiences, collections employees in other countries, Malaysia, Philippines, India, etc, have a poor command of the English language (yes consumer do have an idea if the call is coming from another country regardless of what caller ID says). Off Shore associates are often hard if not impossible to understand, can be demanding mean and abusive. Many feel that US laws do not apply to them, and make no attempt to adhere to US laws. Could this also be whats placing a black mark against your company? Not to many many have a contempt for Americans, and this contempt shows in how they handle them selves when calling on customers.

Please allow me to suggest you write to the Federal Trade Commission and make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request for any records relating to consumer complaints or on going investigation of Capital Crossing, Inc and Riscuity, Inc. When you receive this information, the identifying information will be omitted, but the context of complaints will be provided. This way you can truly gage other ways black marks may be placed against your company.

Furthermore, you stated ???Riscuity did go through a cleaning out process of problem employees about 1.5 years ago. It is those employees that find thrills of what they are attempting to do ???. It would seem that the cleaning house coincided with the name change. Was this a case of new name fresh start? Were there problems under your old name we aren't talking about here? While it is these cleaning out processes that can cause problems, it is something that needs to be an on going process, not just something done when problems arise. If you only change your oil when the engine blows up, it doesn't do much good.

I am a big advocate of fairness and openness in the forum. I would encourage you to sign up for an account, and address these and maybe any future posts, directly. If you do a search for posts by me (screen name clay) you will find a post where I actually applauded a collection agency for doing the right thing (and yes it involved me paying). You will also find a post where I suggested we share positive experiences dealing with collection agencies. You might consider providing an area on your Riscuity website where consumers can contact a higher authority (yourself for instance) if they just can't make head way with the front line people.

I am fairly certain when a consumer calls they are greeted with a message that calls are recorded or monitored for training. maybe once in awhile you should monitor calls yourself to see what your employees are saying, and what image they are projecting.

In a post someone from Riscuity Corporate ( I assume this to be the in house counsel you spoke of in the letter to the web master) stated ???Moreover, Riscuity's primary business is the collection of bad debts. It is the practice and policy of Riscuity to work with every customer in a professional manner and when necessary work out payment arrangements to avoid further collection efforts.
Unfortunately, no one likes to receive a collection call and those calls may often be uncomfortable for the debtor. We do our best to make each call as comfortable as possible and try to help each debtor resolve each matter expeditiously. ??? To this end if Riscuity truly believes in working with every customer and wants to make them comfortable, then I suggest a consumer education section of your website. Maybe advise on the fdcpa and FCRA, resources for debt management and counseling, even ???inside??? advice for working with collectors. Some people can not afford to pay all or nothing now, what advise can you give for working out an arrangement? This would be a wonderful opportunity to Riscuity to walk the talk, and give back to those who need it most.

Please feel free to contact me directly if your would like to discuss or address any of the items which I have presented here. I am always prepared to assist those who want to help themselves.


Clay Wilson


Submitted by LCW on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 08:34

( Posts: 1151 | Credits: )

From Riscuity's Web Site:

Chief Operating Officer
Bob Cervelli has over 30 years experience in the collection industry. Mr. Cervelli started out as a part-time bill collector with PAYCO General American Credits while attending college in New York. He served as Vice President of the Northeast Division of Financial collection agencies (FCA) for six years and General Manager of the Boston Operation of GC Services for twelve years. Mr. Cervelli relocated to Atlanta, Georgia and was named Senior Operations Manager of Perimeter Credit, where he spearheaded the start-up of the company prior to being sold and renamed Outsourcing Solutions Inc. (OSI). He also served as Vice President of Operations for Fidelity National Bank and Senior Vice President of Compass Receivables through the acquisition by NCOG before becoming a Managing Member of LDG Financial Services. He temporarily left the industry where he was the Director of Special Projects for BrainstormUSA, an educational software company, prior to joining Riscuity. Mr. Cervelli was also an independent consultant for Dunn and Bradstreet. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Hofstra University with understudy work at Cornell University.


Submitted by LCW on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 09:14

( Posts: 1151 | Credits: )


With that said, I am asking that this entire thread be removed from your system as it is causing a lot of turmoil within our company and placing a major black mark against a company that is small in nature and trying to offer opportunity to those who work for it.

In my opinion, the purpose of forum is to spread knowledge in an open platform. Due to some problems, the ex employees of Riscuity are showing their vengeance against that company and as a result making their posts in the internet. Only the person making the posts and the company knows for sure the real problems and their mistakes.

My question is why should a forum delete those posts and keep people in the dark? Every thing has a good as well as a bad side. In a hypothetical case, if the posts are deleted, will that poster stop putting his comments against Riscuity in the internet? He will again come here and will again post his views. Then, will the job of this forum admin will be to delete those posts only. Where will be that openness that is meant in the forums?

You need to identify the problem first and then solve it. Attacking the forums and other sources won't help in the long run.



Submitted by roxette on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 09:51

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )


the one thing I will agree with Mr. Cervelli on is that the posting of employees or company officials private phone numebrs, addresses, etc is in appropriate. While I feel this forum should continue to be open, we should consider adding private identifiable information to the list of things that can't be posted. We don't allow non governmental web addresses to be posted without prior authorization, or email addresses, why should private phone numebrs and residentail addresses be any different?

I also agree with you. In the comments made by the poster, it is not clear whether the number given by the person is a business phone or personal phone. If the company can quote us the text that is displaying the personal info, we will definitely review it.

could we possibly provide an area where consumers could contact people such as Mr. Cervelli in a professional and dignified manner when they just can't get anywhere with the front line people? Would Mr. Cervelli like to volunteer to have his direct office number or emaill posted in that section?

Mr Bob Cervelli can register himself under debtcc forums and then members can discuss either in the forums or through private messages. IMO posting contact details in public won't be a good practice, we can use private messaging which is supported by an email notifier.

We as community will like to provide the platform for discussion. Any suggestion from Mr Carvelli will be highly appreciated and we will like to help him as much possible.

I can send him an email with this link. Hope he comes to the forums to discuss the issues.

Thanks Clay,JJ and Roxette for the support. It feels good to work as a community, please let me know if you require any information from me.



Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/17/2006 - 17:25

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

I have not read the thread. If its true that personal information was posted then its up to the modd to remove it.

We do not like to be harrased and thus should not cross the line and harass someone else either.


Submitted by Glynnie11 on Sat, 02/18/2006 - 01:55

( Posts: 216 | Credits: )

I had to laugh at Bob's letter about revealing personal information about the CEO...he revealed in his letter that the CEO's wife is pregnant...was that information necessary to accomplish his, he just gave out personal info about the CEO too!

I also think that the forum is not responsible for the ex-employees of the company, and maybe Riscuity should have them sign some kind of privacy notice when they get hired, then they have legal grounds to go after ex-employees who reveal secret company info...otherwise, that is a risk the company takes. They are probably not the only company that has problems with ex-employees bad-mouthing them, that is a normal thing really...especially if you treat your employees badly. Who knows how Riscuity treats their employees, but these people are not the responsibility of the forum.


Submitted by TMD on Sat, 02/18/2006 - 18:29

( Posts: 280 | Credits: )

It seems to me that if a company is operating in a legal way, then they wouldn't need to send such a letter to defend themselves. We have a right to learn about such companies in an open forum like this. For years, I was in the dark and gave in to threats over various companies. I have not dealth with this company in particular but it's nice to know these things if I every do have to deal with them. We come here to share our knowledge and learn. There must be a reason the ex-employees are coming here to tell their stories. I see ex-employees of Sonic and Cash Today who have also shared their experiences with us. It has been helpful to me when I have dealt with Sonic and they have broken several laws in my case. I agree that this needs to be an open forum.


Submitted by Cow & Chicken on Sun, 02/19/2006 - 08:33

( Posts: 3571 | Credits: )

The letter I am talking about is to not release personal or proprietory information...I worked for General Motors, and we signed something like that. It does not mean you cannot give out their name and address, and comment on their just means you cannot disclose info that is not already made public, etc..or personal info about employees. We were already allowed to give out their name, address, president and CEO names, etc..that is not considered proprietory info, so that would also be ok to put on this forum. Anyone should be able to state their opinion about the company, and their experiences.


Submitted by TMD on Sun, 02/19/2006 - 12:47

( Posts: 280 | Credits: )

The conversation with Riscuity is still going on. This is the letter we sent to them in response to their first correspondence-


Hi Bob,

We are helping the debt consolidation care community with an open platform for debates and discussions on various debt related issues. If some of the ex-employees of your company are using this forum to bring general awareness which you believe is contradictory, please make your posts explaining the legal existence of your business and working within the fdcpa lines so that the truth stays and your company's reputation is protected. Eventually, this forum is a place of general discussion and we can't remove the entire thread for you or your company.

We are here to provide a platform which can be used by debtors, creditors and the CAs for a better experience and our website is serving the purpose nicely.

I am happy to say that this site has helped many understand the real problem and also has exposed many fraud cases. We will surely like to continue this unique service offered inline with openness.

We appreciate your suggestions and feedback.



Submitted by Vikas on Tue, 02/21/2006 - 12:07

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

We have received two more mails from them after sending this reply.

Mail received on Feb 13, 2006

[quote=Riscuity]Hi Vikas,

Thank you for your response. What we have found is then when we go on the board to rebut some of these statements, it just fires up more untrue comments and rumors from ex-employees. So we have tried that approach. Secondly, broadcasting where we live or our personal home addresses is our major concern and would like all that removed.

I am a single parent with a teenage daughter at home. Because of the hours I keep she is home by herself. Having where I live deluged on the internet is not safe for my family or me. Edward Chen has a pregnant wife who is home on her own most of the day. Again not smart to have his telephone number and address broadcast on internet.

If you can not remove the entire thread, I am asking that you remove the rumors of the COO being fired, The personal attacks on the management of this company by Ex-employees. The personal information divulged on the website. You can leave everything else. Again, businessman to businessman, I am making this request. Please do not force us to move towards a court order by taking the legal route. It does you and I no good to spend unnecessary money doing this.

Just remove all comments and posts from ex-employees. These posts have nothing to do with anything other than to voice their grievances with Riscuity and vendetta for why they were fired in the first place. These are the bad apples that we removed from our organization in the first place.

Bob Cervelli[/quote]

Mail received on Feb 21, 2006


I am making one final request to remove the slenderness comments and bashing from ex-employees on your website about Riscuity. This has now become a free-for-all.

We are in the process of lining this company up for major venture funding and possible sale. Not to mention that again, these people are not posting in accordance to YOUR OWN RULES of Terms of use.

With that said, I await your reply. Failure to help remedy this matter will force us to proceed with legal action. This is what I have been trying to avoid with these emails.

We feel this matter is falling on deaf ears as I get no response from anyone associated from your website.

Our corporate counsel is carbon copied on this email for record purposes.

Bob Cervelli[/quote]


Submitted by Vikas on Tue, 02/21/2006 - 12:11

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

Hmmm, again I would say.. let them sue, as litigation opens them up to scrutiny in open court. However, I do agree that any member who violates the terms of service should be sanction.. interestingly though in his letter he himself divulges personal information.. and he still cannot spell slanderous.


Submitted by jj on Tue, 02/21/2006 - 14:14

( Posts: 1057 | Credits: )

If they're on the up and up and don't have anything to hide and are doing everything by the books, then what are they worried about???I think they're afraid of drawing too much attention to what they're doing, and since its apparently not good, from what I've read---they're worried. Last I checked, this was a free country and we have freedom of speech. What are they going to do, put a gag order on all of their clients and tell them they can't talk about them to anyone? get real! JMO shirley


Submitted by imkimssister on Wed, 02/22/2006 - 11:29

( Posts: 1301 | Credits: )

I missed one email.

mail sent on February 21, 2006

Hi Bob,

We understand your problem but it's hard for us to find all the contradictory postings. So it will be helpful for us if you specifically point out the postings and the exact comments and send those to us. We will review it and remove as per the forum rules.



Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 03:37

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

Bob replied on February 21, 2006


Thank you for your reply. Attached are the posts that we would like you to remove. As you can see I was very fair in leaving up posts that voiced displeasure with Riscuity. I can not control how people feel. But the attached are the ones that have nothing to do with how a debtor was treated. More of bashing and ex-employees venting in order to try to cause harm to our company.

These need to be removed. I trust you will fell the same way as I and remove this trash from your website. HOPEFULLY the message sent is that your website will not tolerate this type of behavior.


Bob Cervelli

Attached word file :


Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 03:39

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

Vikas replied on 23 feb 2006

Hi Bob

We have reviewed the entire thread of Riscuity in our forums and gone through all the members' posts. We did not feel the need to delete or alter any of the posts because nothing should be kept shady in front of the community. None of the posts here specify violation of the forum rules. The forums are open platforms that intend to bring the facts out.

However, we still give you a chance to clarify your point. Please point out the posts that you feel is bringing out personal contact information of your company employees. We will review it and if there is any personal info, we will delete it.



Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 03:59

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

Bob replied on 24 feb 2006

Vikas, You are kidding me right?? I see you posted my letter to you and your company company asking for help to resolve an issue under a heading in your public forums "List of companies threatening to sue us"

How unprofessional is THAT? We are trying to work with you to eliminate all these postings, that once again, I remind you, fall outside your own "terms of use" on your website.

I hope you are getting the proper legal advice for your lawyers.

Bob Cervelli


Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 04:01

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

Another mail from Bob on 24 feb 2006


One final email, We have actual images from your website of actual posts. We also have these email threads and dates. Do not think that we have not noticed and have record that your "Terms of Use" and specifically "Off Topics" has been removed since we started talking along with you adding the ability to post communications such as emails.

Taking a email that I wrote to you as the webmaster asking for assistance to rectify a problem and posting it in open forum without my or anyone else's permission from Riscuity is not only un-professional but just shows how un-businesslike YOUR company really is.

Where I thought you were being professional, this just shows how unethical you and your website is.

You should have been a little more careful about what you did.

Bob Cervelli


Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 04:02

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

Vikas replied on 24 feb 2006

[quote]Hi Bob,

We survive as a community and our TOS clearly says that we will have to make the conversations public. If you are asking Vikas then you are asking the community representative. And as a community representative I can not take a decision without the community approval. We have reviewed the posts and none of our members feel that there is something to remove.

I will again talk with the community members with the doc that you have sent. We are here to help everyone. We request your co-operation for the Truth and we do not want to harm anyone good. I request you to directly interact with the community if possible.

Do let me know if you have more queries.



Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 04:13

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )


I did email the letter I posted on the first page of this thread to Mr. Cervelli today (with a few minor grammatical corrections). If I receive a reply from Mr. Cervelli, I will paste it to this forum.

Please do that, let the world know that we are here as a community and everything should be done in public. Also please take time to review the posts which Bob mentioned and let me know what to do next.



Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 04:22

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )


After reviewing the posts I would say that I entirely support your positon except for the couple of posts that appear to give out home address and possibly home phone numbers.. From those posts I would delete said information. Secondly, I would post in the TOS and in the Riscuity thread a cautionary statement that woudl have 2 goals 1) lets keep the trash talking/flaming out of the thread and 2) ask people not to divulge personal info irrelevant to the topic at hand.

I am curious as to what the site's consel has to say. I would think that they have really no legal leg to stand on as it is very tough to prevent ex-employees from talking even with a confidentiality agreement, let alone trying to regulate who they talk to..

thanks for reading my input


Submitted by jj on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 08:03

( Posts: 1057 | Credits: )

Hi JJ,

This site removes all those information if they appear personal. You might have noticed Vikas or Mike attaching a note at the end of the posts in red color.

In the posts regarding Riscuity, their ex - employees have given company information, they were not shown as personal information. If you review the posts once again, the phone numbers have been removed.

All I can say that this forum was doing nothing illegal or against the policies. The company (Riscuity) sent the mails in business terms, not in personal terms. So, business mails can be placed in the business sites. It was nothing wrong anywhere. JMO



Submitted by roxette on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 09:05

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )


I did email the letter I posted on the first page of this thread to Mr. Cervelli today (with a few minor grammatical corrections). If I receive a reply from Mr. Cervelli, I will paste it to this forum.

I was out of town at work for a few days, but I checked my email this morning, and so far , Mr. Cervelli has not found a need to respond to my email. I would hope this is because he is taking an opportunity to consider, and investigate what was said rather than fire off unnecessarily defensive replies.


Submitted by LCW on Tue, 02/28/2006 - 07:40

( Posts: 1151 | Credits: )

I find Mr Cervelli missing the point, this site on Riscuity started because of misconduct of HIS employees, it seems the information over the last months are his current employees, his statement the company cleaned problem employees 1.5 yr ago is a slander to the old managment team led by one of the best, respected CEO's in the collection world,a man that employed him as a matter of fact, gave him a start(oh and he still is a top CEO) those removed had nothing to do with collections, or the type of things listed on these sites, it had to do with the direction of Riscuity, the vision of the then CEO and his team and the board. there was no dog eat dog dirt such as in these sites. He should not speak ill of the past manangemnt team as he came on board almost 6 month later. He is repeating hear say, not fact. also Please check the web site of Riscuity, Mr Chens information as well as most of his management team is posted. No one should be putting slander on sites. I would be glad to help those in need. I will visit often and if I can answer questions that relate to collection tactics, or ways to resolve debt I will give input, I hope all others out there will do the same.
There is no reason to defend a good company, you are what you do. Huuuu rrrrr aaahhhhh


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 06:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Any one being contacted by a collection agency has rights, always make sure you put them in writing, send certf mail, (someone signing is a big plus). Tell the agency you dispute the debt and demand proof, also request no contact by phone to any or all family, jobs neighbors, home, cells, at any time, request all information be done by mail, no calls. Until the proof of debt is mailed to you they can not by law do a thing. But once you do get the proof make sure you start paying on it or pay it. sent in a reasonable payment, (money order, never you cking) and continue until the bill is paid. This deed should stop them, of course they will send you a notice saying its not enought but continue to mail it each and every month on time, do not give them the right to take action against you.
Also notify your Credit reporting agency, you can make a statement such as I was not aware this bill was not paid, now that I know it is due I am paying each and every month.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 06:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I myself was in this field 26 years, I worked with the best and I can tell others there are ways to avoid these type of issues with debts. First if you do owe a bill don't hang up or scream at the collector, all that does is start the ball rolling in the wrong direction. ask for an address and write you letter, always request copies of checks or other agreements and make sure you do owe it. then either pay it in full or pay a reasonable amount each month, you don't have to deal with the collector, write an agreement on paper, mail it with a money order and make sure you do so each and every month till paid. No court is going to process you if you are paying a reasonable payment each month on time, Don't misunderstand, sending a 1.00 will not do it. if you owe large amounts then I suggest you get help, CCC or someone that can deal with them for you. Collectors have budgets, they also are paid commisions so they are going to TRY to get the most they can. Also ask for a settlement, offer them a lesser amount 50-60% of the bill and be prepared to pay it they okay it, BUT get it in writing frist, do not pay a sif until you have a signed letter showing agreed amount. Like I said start the conversation off on your end pleasant. Keep it buinsess, when you slam the phone or curse and believe me it happens you only bring hardship on yourself in resolving the bill. No one can just garnish you, they have to go to court and if you are in a state that does no permit garnishment really you have no worry. but how you act will generate the reaction of the collector.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 09:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Your points are well said... and i agree whole heartedly that you get more flies with honey than vinegar.. as my grandma used to say...

Guest, some of the big problems people encounter is dealing with aggressive collectors who break the law, fail to properly post payments, add fees.interest not permitted by contract...While it is easy to deal with such issues legally, for some hiring an attorney is not an option, what suggestions might you have on how to best approach these.

and again thank you for your input


Submitted by jj on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 10:04

( Posts: 1057 | Credits: )


Yes perhaps he realized that we are an informed and sophisticated community that is not afraid of threats to litigate and instead he hopefully chosen to pursue those ex/current employees who are causing the problems...

Well said JJ :), we stand together and help each other as an informed and sophisticated community.


Submitted by Vikas on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 10:17

( Posts: 2019 | Credits: )

First no one has to sit and be violated, most collectors are going to be agressive, to survive in this business you must be forward. I can only say if you can just get the address out of the collector that is step one. as for needing an atty, no,, the fdcpa is public law, you can process complaints if needed thru many goverment agencies, I will try and obtain those address for you. If you do a cease communication until the proof is rec then you are a step ahead. if they violate that call your congressmen,complain complain complain, no business likes to answer complaints, believe me one of the worst complaints I had to deal with as management was congressional complaints. the law in each state is diff, if you live in FL, Tx, PA for example you can not garnish unless it is child support or federal debt, what you need to do is get a list of the states that permit garnishment and those that don't, and remember we are talking wages, of the person on the bill, joint watch both incomes or single, then make sure the person does not give them a checking account number, change you banking information so you are not the main person on the account (ss number) you can protect youself. not beat paying a bill but protect yourself from attachment. be smart. always do everything in writing, sent your request to the CEO, the board memebers. send you complaints to them if dealing with the agency people does not work. If it is 3rd party paper, call the creditor that ownes the paper, and ask to deal with them, if it is purchased paper you are stuck dealing with the agency. You can always sign for someone else to deal with them for you, it does no have to be an atty, you can write and tell them JJ of --- is handling all my past due bills, please contact him or her at ---.
also check for the SOL, that also diff in each state, if the SOL is out, that means the time they can file legal action has expired, all they can do now is report it to the credit, and that also has SOL, the time frame to report is 7 yrs from the last action or payment date. so if you are past 7 yrs they can't report it either. So check you laws in your state. Most of all if you try to pay, they will talk the talk but really they will not process it further, so long as you pay each month.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 10:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Federal Trades Commision
Complaint Division
Washington, DC 20580

this is an address any problems dealing with all the things you are saying this company does in violation of the fdcpa. Even it you are unsure what was said is legal file a complaint, or question if what was said or done was within the law. This address will respond and with the correct laws via your state. They also keep records of complaints, when they have more than one with the same area of complaint they take it very serious, they will demand a response from the collection agency. Also write the BBB in your area, they also will do the same and demand a response. As hard as collectors are on you, reverse the table, get names, get the address and write down what was said and then find out if its valid, if not after a while any company will end up being investigated, it also can damange their right to collect in a state, write the complaint board for C of A's or licences for the state you live in


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 11:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Good to see you here in this forum. The problem is most of the consumers are not aware of their rights and that is where collection agencies catch them.

This is an open forum and anyone who wants to participate can post their comments here. Collectors and creditors have used this platform several times. Surprisingly most of the collection reps believe that it is not mandatory for them sending debt validation letters to consumers. I wonder how they are doing business.

JJ, you have said it right. Our knowledge is our power and unity is our weapon.


Submitted by stanley on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 12:12

( Posts: 1639 | Credits: )

fdcpa says you must send notification within 5 days of the contact to pay with notice of 1 who you are
2 who you ower
3 what amount you owe
they must also give the mini miranda,MM if 3rd party
they also must remove the debt from the cbr if you dispute it within the first 30 days, and keep it off until resolution. if after 30 days they must report it as a dispute to the cbr, until resolution or proof of debt sent to them. Key little things a good agency will do without a debtor asking.
its the same if you call someone you must ID who you are, why you are calling, who who represent and who they owe, and the amt. that must be done in the first few min of the conversation. A good agency will have no problem with this site, a run of the mill office will. I am an operations manager for 4 small offices in the south. we pride ourself in keeping withing the law, we are successful, our agents have the normal spats but all in all we run a clean healthy shop. My collectors have 7-8 yrs with me and no intent to leave. I checked and found NOTHING on my offices in any complaint site. but we do have our few debtors that no matter what we say or do the bottom to them is we are a collection agency so we are dirt in their eyes. you take the good with the bad


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 14:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Question about that mini-miranda..I have been reading that in a lot of posts, yet I have NEVER had a collector EVER read that to me. I have gotten lots of collection calls, and they usually state their own name, sometimes the company name, and then start their spew about me giving them a check by phone, etc. So, can they really get in trouble for not saying the little mini-miranda? If so, I have lots of cases.


Submitted by TMD on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 18:02

( Posts: 280 | Credits: )

IF....the debt is 3rd party, meaning the person calling does not own the debt they must on the frist conversation,(in some states all conversations)give you the MM, "This is an attempt by a debt collector,to collect a debt all information obtain will be used for that purpuse" check you state, like I said if it is 3rd party but owners of the paper do not have to. Just like any letter you get must have the note at the bottom or in the letter that states the communication is from a debt collector, this is an attempt to collect a debt. In many states there are disclaimers that must be put on the back of the letter. In Calf a debtor MUST be notified in writing saying the debt is going to be put on their credit. what you need in this site is for the person to ID the state they are living in, then go on line and get the laws of that state. fdcpa is every-state, but if the state they live in has more strick laws then state will oversee Federal, it just can not be less then Federal law. federal laws + the stricker State apply


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 06:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

From what I read no one gave anyones street address only the city, and the only phone number was Mr Chens, Mr chen was listed in the phone book,no unlisted phone numbers, the company web pages also give most or more information about each of them, more info then the site does. To openly tell you he is a single father and his daughter is home alone, WHY would you ever tell someone on a public board such as this that you leave your daughter home alone, or that Mr Chen's wife is home alone, Am I in space or what. I find he has fully ignored the facts you ask, his company and how they handle calls, the way the company is running checks and harrassing people, plus most of the back and forth seems to be people on his current staff, if you read things, it has to be a current employee, plus how many has he fired, why not vent his letters to ways he or the company can help improve their image, help with information how to clear the debts, not demand peoples feeling be removed, we do have freedom of speach. Give help to those finding it hard to deal with his employees.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 11:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just looked at the notes, I do not see Riscuity responding anymore. Do I conclude they are not working with people, cleaning up their act. I don't have a bill with them but I read other sites that people are having very harsh problems dealing with them


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/17/2006 - 10:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just a note to let all you know Riscuity has made changes, the staff is now fully managed by a different person, a man who believes in respect, fair treatment and things are looking up, "no one has been fired", but RIscuity noted the need for change, let us all hope this change will be positive to all and give more satifaction to those trying to clear their names and debts. I know the re-depositing will go on, as per contracts but the changes in management positions should show in the way people are treated when they call. I hope this shows Riscuity does care, sometimes we go down paths and have to go backwards and take other paths before we get to the place we need to be, if one can not get satifation with the collector ask for Mr Ragsdale, he is a man that cares and will see your concerns are viewed fairly.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/21/2006 - 07:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm hoping to get some direction in dealing with something odd that happened. I had an ACH debit/withdrawl made directly from my checking account and the only thing the bank could provide was the following: Riscuity-CkNCash;DES=8006704924;ID=14164823 EFF DATE: 051205;INDN. Problem is, I still have an ex on my account whom I cannot get ahold of. I tried to call numbers for Riscuity that I got from this site but they provided little information. I do not know what this debit was for, where it originated from, who had the information to make the debit from my account-nothing. The person I did speak with at Riscuity could only tell me it "looked" like a check cashing place, then he took my number but never called me back. Since that day I have not been able to reach anyone else who can help me. Please give me suggestions of what I can do, I have never been notified that I owed this money to anyone. Thanks.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 15:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

770-919-2700 and hit 0 that is the main number to Riscuity in GA, Ask for Mr Ragsdale, she should be able to assist you. I hope you disputed this at your bank and they reversed the charges. I know for fact Riscuity is NOT sending letters letting people know they are going to debit their accounts. If they did they would loose big money and this is the end of a business quarter so they have to deposit and re-deposit these cks to meet the company goals, jsut dispute it ,and don't let the get away with it..IF you owe it then deal with it. but no one should just zap your account wiht no notice. one wrong does not make another right


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 11:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

As a veteran Riscuity victim, I can sympathesize with other unfortunate souls who have had the misfortune of having their phone number listed in Riscuity's Manila call center.
These people will continuously violate federal & state statutes. There is no limit to the harassment and illegal scare tactics. Please note the following:

Messages left on phone machine from "Detective &^%$#"
threatening arrest and imprisonment.
That one was particularly aggravating as my kids heard the message. (Tape in the mail to AG's office).

Constant phone calls at work threatening garnishment.
(Signed affidavit from employer in mail to AG)

Unlawful credit reporting.
(Copy in mail to AG)

Calls to relatives threatening arrest.
(Affidavit in mail to AG) This is another major one as my Mom is 80 years old and was very upset.

Actually this list is endless. The point is despite what I read about this company, they have no scruples
or legal basis for these kind of activities. Any claim contrary is just another lie.

I'll keep you all posted on the upcoming lawsuit to be filed after the AG's office is through with them.



Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 17:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

After calls, unreal nasty people I hired an atty, only because the person who owed was not me, someone with the same name in the same area owed a bill, I was thinking it was the Manila office then I found after we wrote to the Philippine Goverment, and the US compaints division, the BBB, every office we could find, it was found the office does NOT call on bad checks,that is all done in the US offices, Manila office is an inbound call center, serviced I think BellSouth bills, and other inbound calls, detective Santos and Atty Kelly both worked in the Kennasaw GA office, (oh both are AKA's both frauds). I settled for a small amount of funds due to the fact they almost got me fired, my HR lady (a friend recorded a Mr White and a women)as well as the Santos and Kelly fraud they all got called out on it. The ss number was wrong, they still continued to harrass the HR people because they wanted my SS number. Bottom was it pays to record, it also pays either way to hire an atty when possible to stop these people. I wish I could say more but under the terms of our agreement I am bound to keep my information closed


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 12:42

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